Indeed. No media I’ve heard discuss the case referred to this individual as what he is: a right wing domestic terrorist. Were this man Muslim, we’d never hear the end of it.
That last point trumps everything, doesn’t it?
Given that he specifically targeted state troopers, I can only assume that the freedom he’s trying to restore is the ability to drive 90 mph in a 55 mph zone.
Well conservative/tea billy GOPers… you built this.
What are you blathering on about? He was Marandized and despite the old axiom about anyone who represents themself (outside of small claims courts) has a fool for a client, you can’t force someone to accept a Public Defender. Besides, with an anti-Gov loon, you think a state-furnished lawyer is some he will work with?
Jaywalking black teen = execution. Murdering delusional white conservative. = alive and Marandized.
Wait, isn’t there a word for ideologically motivated murder intended to incite further acts of insurrectionary violence? I could swear it is? Hmmm, hmmm, what was that word again? I can’t believe I’m having trouble coming up with it because it seems like one our MSM is usually eager to use in these situations. But I guess there’s just something different and special about this case that makes it inapplicable.
Attorneys are not “retained on behalf of” others, except when the person in question is incompetent and a guardian or guardian ad litem has been appointed. I can’t just walk into a a detention center and declare someone to be my client without their consent and if I get arrested my momma can’t just retain a lawyer on my behalf unless I use my phone call to make her my agent for that purpose.
I think as a matter of basic decency the police should tell him things like, “your parents hired a lawyer for you, if you want to avail yourself.”
This guy is obviously extreme, but his thought process is the same as what irritates me the most about some of these hardcore anti-government types. These idiots have every opportunity in the world to carve out an extremely comfortable life. Complete with enough food, luxuries, technology, emergency services, health care and infrastructure to make their wildest dreams come true. You could conceivably live a far higher quality of life than 99% of all humans in all of history have ever lived, right now. But…somehow…their liberties are going away?
And bonus points here for willfully trading that opportunity with what will now literally be a life locked in a cage and the government watching over every single movement you make until the day you die. Way to go Frein.
I wonder how such a violent attack resulted in this guy being taken into custody alive.
Oh right, sorry, he’s white.
Basic decency. You’re making me sick. This guy is a cold-blooded murderer who was given all his legal rights. He doesn’t have any moral rights beyond his legal rights.
I thought the ‘basic decency’ thing was going too far but Destore23 is right. You don’t want ANY constitutional reason for this case to be jeopardized. I am not foolish enough to think that this could be brought down to manslaughter or an insanity plea, especially with police involved, but you want to grease the skids, not sand them.
With all this nonsense he spouted you would think the magic words ‘FOX NEWS’ would make an appearance from him his parents or acquaintances. Maybe during the trial.
as another posted noted, he couldn’t list one if his life depended on it. he’s just really pissed off that he, a white, “Christian” male, is no longer automatically in the privileged position he was used to. by god, we have to treat just everyone as if they are the equals of white men!
It’s not as if dissent against our form of government hasn’t always been a theme in the undercurrents of American society.
But in cases like Frein’s it’s been made to simmer non-stop on the burner that is RWNJ media.
These fashions of insurgent communication weren’t available to these most suggestive and/or imbalanced individuals-- until about the past 15 years.
The purpose is to keep the hateful entendres simmering; till it infects that one weak mind with the right combination of personal issues, to amp up the hate to a roiling boil.
The result? Propaganda-driven violence at it’s finest.
Frein’s best defense?
‘I’m a weak-minded idiot your honor.’
It’s a mood, not a definable position.
Perfect description, MattinPA. Because a mood is far easier to create, and then manipulate, than a definable position. A mood does not require facts or truth or logic, and could easily be considered an Improvised Explosive Device (IED). You just have to push the right button.
If the police were expected to be neutral toward suspects in custody that might be reasonable, but they work for the prosecution as far as this non-lawyer can tell. Decency requires them only to follow the rules, and the rules don’t say they have to tell you your folks hired a lawyer who’s sitting in the next room. They have to Mirandize you and if you don’t ask for a lawyer, then that’s that. Do you expect the cops to be extra decent, to give him bonus points, in this of all cases?
The pic looks like they at least slammed his face into the hood of the trooper car.
Practically speaking, this guy is going to be convicted and will likely get a death sentence. So, yes… why jeopardize an airtight case by not giving him, while he is still technically the accused, less than total access to representation?
Of course he can list one of those liberties - the Democrats are coming to get his guns! (Of course, the Republicans are too.) Since he’s the kind of person who not only believes that shooting police or politicians to kick off a revolution is a good idea, but actually tried to do it, then at some point he had to go out and buy guns, even if guns weren’t one of his issues before that. Where’s your house?
But yeah, it’s unlikely he had much coherent thought about other rights. And it’s certainly unlikely that he was having serious conversations with his friends about “I’m planning to go shoot some cops to start a revolution!”, because at least some of them would have told him he was an idiot.