Discussion: Police: Ambush Suspect Wanted 'Revolution' To Reclaim His 'Liberties'

Discussion for article #230161

Of course nobody is surprised by this childish, idiotic motivation. But unlike in the film “The Fisher King,” where a media figure actually felt guilty because his stupid, hateful on-air rantings instigated a senseless murder, nobody who put these ideas in the air will feel a moment’s compunction for having helped push a sick mind into committing a real-life murder. Not a moment’s worth.


Did Frein bother to list the “liberties we once had” that we apparently no longer have?

This is the problem with watching Fox News and listening to the likes of Limbaugh. None of them deals in specificities. They will all curse the President for his “lawless behavior” without explaining what exactly was lawless, and swear that Obama deserves impeachment without clarifying why. You take a dangerous fool like Frein and give him all the guns & ammo he wants and pump him up with vague, unsubstantiated nonsense, and the next thing you know, there are dead bodies and ruined lives. When murderous idiots can’t separate facts from mercenary diatribes, it puts the rest of us in the cross-hairs. There should be a law against inciting people to commit crimes. Oh, wait, there is. Too bad no one ever applies it.


I’d bet my house he can’t list one. He’d mutter about bureaucracy and regulations and political correctness. It’s a mood, not a definable position, I’m guessing; he feels trammeled and buffeted about by a world that’s changing in ways he fears, hates, and can’t control.


Actually. Mr. Frein, it’ has “been done before.”
Timothy McVeigh, who blew up a federal building and killed 168 to avenge Ruby Ridge and the Branch Davidians,
The guy who went after the Tide Foundation after getting stirred up by the ravings of Glenn Beck,
The guy who shot up a Unitarian church after getting pumped up by the ravings of FOX News’s Hannity and O’Reilly,
The numerous “sovereign citizens,” survivalists, militia members, anti-abortion fanatics, and neo-confederates who have instigated violence against their fellow citizens for political purposes.
Also, what you did is not revolution; it’s terrorism.


Fox-toxxed Goober


Like to see what his computer habits were. I’m guessing Alex Jones, site, etc., but it would even be better if he was a regular commentator on Sean Hannity’s site. If so, that should be made into a huge story.


How’s that ‘liberty’ thingy working our for ya, Frein?


Just another republican.


RWAC owned media won’t run it. They are still telling the lies about Ferguson, the murderer of Trayvon Martin, the guy who killed Christina Taylor Greene…


Well said. When the mentally unstable or hate-filled radicals gain access to firearms and begin spouting off about ‘our’ freedoms, we know that the right wing media is getting their message through.


The bible of the repig party is “The Turner Diaries”.


Fox should take a bow. Their TV and Radio is so anti American…they all but bait anyone crazy like this guy into action. I have heard these people on the radio call for a revolution and for their audience to kill (stop) the President----translation to the unbalanced means ‘kill’. Hannity is bad for using this kind of rhetoric against President Obama and the government in general. Savage is a disaster too. Someone needs to scrub the airwaves of these people ---- their hatred is bad for our country.


I bet he’s got all the Hannity, Levin, Savage, O’Reilly…books memorized. This is right out of their mouths. Well fellas, you got one of your nuts to do ‘something’. This what you had in mind?


He will be using his liberties up and until we execute this Fox News moron. Stupid right wingers.

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I’m eager to see how this “shakeup” works out. I’m sure it will change everything. I’m particularly interested in seeing how it allows our unnamed “liberties” to be restored.


Well you see, by executing all LIBRULZ, along with their non-working BLAH PEOPLE allies, and those TURRISTS FROM SOUTH OF THE BURDER, then making DUH WIMMINZ GET BACK IN TEH KITCHEN, Freedumb and Libderpy will be restored to 'MURKA.

Also, the president is black.


Yet another isolated case that sounds suspiciously like so many other isolated cases but of course is in no way related to them so there’s no reason whatsoever to look for any common factors.

Anyway, it’s obviously Obama’s fault.


Um… how on Earth could a court decide its all right for police not to tell a defendant in custody that an attorney who has been retained on their behalf wants to speak to them?

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The fact he was captured alive is astonishing, and testimony to even-keeled police.