“Pro-life” in all its glory.
Behold, America!
The product of incessant conservative hate think (and FauxNews, I am looking at you Bill O’Reilly)
The critics of Planned Parenthood and its sister facilities have a lot to answer for.
Would that they weren’t so blind to the logical consequences of their rhetoric and actions.
Hours after the gun battle, Dear told police “he was happy with what he had done because his actions … ensured that no more abortions would be conducted at the Planned Parenthood facility in Colorado Springs,” which has since reopened.
We don’t give in to terrorists, Cletus, be they foreign or domestic.
Entirely religious and politically motivated and a planned and coordinated attack. But he is still white, which means press will chalk it up as ‘mental illness’ and ‘lone wolf’, not terrorism.
This man may be deranged, but those who aid and abet him most surely are not.
They need to be held accountable for incitement at some point.
It always seems to be males who do violence against abortion providers. They of course NEVER have to worry about getting pregnant. I’ve often wondered what my life would have been if I had been able to get an abortion after a date rape. I was a virgin. Ironically it has only been recently that I understood that I had been raped. I thought it was my fault because that was the thinking in the 50’s and early 60’s. My parents insisted I marry the bastard. That marriage lasted barely 2 years. I didn’t marry again for 15 years.
I love my daughter and she does not know how she was conceived.
Now we are back pretty much to those days of coat hanger abortions except that there are fairly reliable contraceptives available. But many girls & woman do not have advice about or access to those. Planned Parenthood was and is a valuable resource and now it is fighting for its existence in way too many states.
These sanctimonious jackasses fill me with rage. The women who protest in front of clinics fill me with rage but at least they do not takes lives too prove how much they love life… of fetuses. And young women who do not think they need to fight for abortion rights fill me with sadness. So many lives were ruined or lost in the past because only the rich could get abortions.
American terrorist.
The crazy feeds on itself just like with ISIS.
This one’s on Carly Fiorina. Along with that David Daleiden guy who purports to be for “medical progress.” Not entirely, but certainly in some measure.
Something else that infuriates me: the anti-choice crowd is almost always also anti-birth control, anti-sex education, anti-government aid for children and families… so, so tired of our homegrown Taliban, hypocrites, and modern-day Pharisees.
I’d say he makes a better face of the GOP than The Rump and Carnival Cruz combined.
I admire your bravery in describing what happened, and I can tell you you’re not alone in having experienced this. As to fighting for abortion rights, it’s what should drive young women to vote, but many seem to act as if it’s optional if their candidate is not the nominee or if they have better things to do on election day…
@citizentompaine The pro-life crowd is usually pro death penalty. Funny how they pick and choose who should live and die and then choose to come down on the side of a little blob of nonviable matter…
The relentless propaganda and misinformation from the right wing plus this man’s mental illness plus the NRA’s guns for all policy killed these innocent people.
More blood on the hands of the Republican Party and their despicable flunkies (looking at you, Rupert Murdoch and Roger Ailes.)
Please don’t forget O’Reilly’s enablers, the despicable Rupert Murdoch and Roger Ailes.
Thanks for your kind words. I’ve always loved Florynce Kennedy’s wit: “If men could get pregnant abortion would be a sacrament.” So true. I feel so badly for all the girls and women in all the backward states in this country who will not have access to a safe abortion and are frightened and alone. Childbirth is far more dangerous than abortion (if done by a doctor). I used to teach life drawing and anatomy was part of my course. I liked to show how small the pelvic opening is in the female skeleton and use my fist to represent the size of a fetal skull. I may have discouraged sex for a while in my female students . Conservative males maintain their control over women by making birth control & abortion hard to access.