Better yet, don’t come, ever!
Don’t come here during any funerals either. Also not during any births, surgeries, exams, prime time television, lunch breaks, or status meetings.
The last thing the people grieving over their loved ones in Pittsburgh need is President Stable Genius sitting in front of them holding an index card that says “1) Remember to frown thoughtfully. 2) You’re awesome and everyone loves you.”
He’s coming hoping for protests because they’ll be used on Fox to show “leftist mobs” Blackburn used this trick the other day in TN.
A normal human wouldn’t come to “mourn” the victims of his own rhetoric. But tRump isn’t normal. He’s a fascist SOB.
But I really really need those photos of me “caring” to put all the fake news reports to rest!
He would only make it about himself like everything else.
He will do it. It’s the crass and classless thing to do. Of course he’ll do it.
Uh-huh. That Karma chick is nothing but a bitch, Mr. Trump.
…which TOTALLY makes sense…wait until the dead are buried and then you can bring your sht show to Pittsburg. Donnie’s response? ‘I do what I want! I’m the biggest, baddest, smartest President that ever lived and I’m going end birthright citizenship so those American citizens can’t get in!..isn’t that the way it works???’
Do you think for a second that he won’t come to gloat over his victims? His words sent the shooter.
“We can’t stop you from flying in, but we don’t have to help you leave the airport.”
Just stay at home eating shitty cheeseburgers
Any chance Melania willl wear her " I don’t really care, do U?" Jacket ?
It sounds like Pittsburgh is refusing to cooperate with the secret service, not supply traffic control, a motorcade, etc. The mayor is on strong ground saying that the city’s resources won’t cover it.
I’m sure Dump can outfit some Proud Boys with matching shirts to provide his motorcade some security if the mayor refuses to do so.
But but – this is taking attention away from him. That’s not fair. If these people had only had a security guard outside none of this would be necessary. After all, like everything, isn’t it all about him anyway?
He probably is insisting on an early visit because the election is in a week. He wants to make his appearance now to show he cares so he can get back to his important job - holding rallies for idiots. (Unless, of course, he’s having a bad hair day, which might cause him to cancel, unlike the murder of 11 Jews in their Synagogue.
The wishes of the families and the community are irrelevant to his desire to milk this tragedy - which he helped to precipitate through his violent and vile words. He has no empathy, sympathy or fundamental drcdncy.
The article said traveling to Pittsburgh at some point today. Sounds vague and maybe just maybe they will do everyone there a favor and not go. Can’t you get the subtle hint? You’re not wanted.
What does Trump care? It’s all about him, not those affected.
Well , if Dumpy DOES go , turn your backs on him .
and don’t make a sound. Silence would really freak him out.