Discussion: Pittsburgh Mayor Sends Message To Trump: Don’t Come During The Funerals

How do you make something terrible beyond imagining worse? Trump knows how.

Having mastered the art of the insincere and gratuitous cue card read, Trump is anxious to move on to the insincere and gratuitous appearance of caring and grief in person. I do believe he would revel in people protesting his appearance as proof of the mob like violent left.

Part time president - full time asshole.


This is a nothing more than a photo op for Trump, Jared and Ivanka. Trump should heed the words of the Mayor of PIttsburgh. This time should be focused on the grieving families and city not him.


Better yet, leave the USA forever asap.

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Trump should go to Primanti’s, stuff his fat face with a couple of sandwiches, and get right back on the plane to DC. Leave the great people of Pittsburgh alone.

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He’s gotta take his victory lap.

He’ll be trotting out Jared and Ivanka as prominently as possible. “See? I have jews in my entourage. Not racist”.

At least Jared and Ivanka, for all their flaws, are very capable of acting with superficial dignity (in fact as far as I can tell, that’s Ivanka’s primary skill). Anyone want to take bets Trump can pull this off without any of the following?

  • Giving a thumbs up and huge grin coming or going at the airport
  • Trying to crack a joke with a security guard at the synagogue
  • Peppering his remarks with digs at the media and/or local politicians
  • Remarking how violence like this is why he wants to keep the (thousand-mile-distant) caravan out of America

Yeah, me neither.

Asking trump to understand people’s pain is a losing proposition.

The best thing would be for folks to just ignore him. Turn their backs if they see him.


This is unusual… so far I have not heard one GOPer, trump included, offering those tried 'n true “thoughts and prayers.” Could that be because of the foreign religion of these victims?
no wait…I got it!!! This is all fake!!! It never happened cuz fake news people are reporting fake news again!!!12!!!one!!!

I signed onto the letter. I encourage everyone else to do likewise.