Discussion: Pierson Grudgingly Admits She Was Wrong To Blame Khan's<span style="line-height: 1em;"> Death On Obama (VIDEO)

When CNN’s Alisyn Camerota again pointed out that Khan was killed during Bush’s administration, Pierson fired back: “But Donald Trump wasn’t there! That is the only point. Donald Trump is being blamed for something he had nothing to do with, and he did not attack this family.”

Of all the Drumpfette’s, Pierson is undoubtedly the most bizarre.
And there’s a lot of contender’s.


THese TimesLINes aRE JUST SMOKEscreeN attempting to HIDE THE FAct THAT Ohbummer Personally Murdered KHAn.


See, journalists? It’s not that fucking hard to do your job. It might even be fun.


Fricking CNN can’t do anything correctly. Here’s Pierson walking back her statement:

Co-anchor John Berman reminded Pierson that on Tuesday she had told Wolf Blitzer that Clinton and Obama changed the combat rules of engagement that “probably cost his life.”
“You do acknowledge now that there you were just wrong?” Berman asked.
“Well, absolutely,” Pierson said. “That’s why I used ‘probably,’ because I was just going through the timeline, because since then we have had tens of thousands of soldiers that have been lost, one million wounded, $6 trillion later. How can we possibly put any the onerous [sic] on Donald Trump? It is absolutely absurd. And that’s why you see all this confusion surrounding this issue, because Donald Trump had absolutely nothing to do with this.”

Wounded, per Wiki-- 20,904 Afghanistan/36,710 Iraq:

As you can see, Pierson’s lunatic ravings about the number of dead and wounded in the two conflicts are wildly inaccurate and hyperbolic, par for her appearances. With no pushback from CNN. One million wounded? WTF?


This is one person I won’t miss when this whole circus is over…


Again…she is a lying, toxic little btch. That is not ‘sexist’. That is the truth. She will defend Trump because he wasn’t there, he didn’t vote and turn around mid sentence and tell you he was AGAINST this or that and told EVERYBODY about it…even when (IF!) she is presented with facts that show differently.


FFS, everything she says is deflection anyway. The goddamn point Khan was making is that his son wouldn’t have been in the military if Trump had kept them out of the country. The argument was not that Trump harmed the Khans, it was that excluding people based solely on religion is unconstitutional and un-American and insults the sacrifice the Khans made as loyal, contributing Americans. This blanket suspicion based only on one factor of a person’s life is stupid and unfair. That’s the argument. She’s never addressed the core of the controversy because there’s no rebuttal to the Khans’ argument possible.


She is the perfect Trumpeter, dumb as they come.


Yes, yes, yes…


Camerota’s co-host, John Berman, asked Pierson again if she acknowledged that she was wrong to blame Obama and Clinton for “probably” causing Khan’s death in the line of duty.

“Well, absolutely. That’s why I used probably, because I was just going through the timeline,” she replied, before insisting that Trump “did not vote for that war, period.”

It was under Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton that changed the rules of engagements that probably cost his life. So I don’t understand why it’s so hard to understand why Donald Trump was confused about why he was being held responsible for something he had nothing to do with."

I’m adding Edwin Diaz to my rosters, but here’s that source of what she actually said.



gee, 1 Mill does sound like a whole lot, but it is a nice round number. the “time line mistake defense” is one that i had not heard. and those dirty old fact checkers got no sense of humor.


I think CNN is trying now, but it’s been such a long, long, long time since anyone there has actually done journalism and research that they’re obviously really rusty. Math is hard!

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The Khans are not blaming their son’s death on Trump, you lunatic. They’re not blaming it on Bush, Obama or Clinton, either. They aren’t blaming it on anyone except the car bombers who actually killed him. They are attacking Trump for portraying Muslims as enemies who should be deported and kept out of the country. The entire point of their speech is that Muslims are American patriots, and in the case of their son, heroes.


Sounds like she still blaming them to me


“Pierson Grudgingly Admits She Was Wrong To Blame Khan’s Death On Obama.”

But she still blames him for 9/11, the JFK assassination, the missing Lindbergh baby, and the Sack of Rome.


Yes, she can go back to shoplifting clothes from JC Penney. Don’t believe me? 'Tis True!


This is stuff a kid with a computer could dig up, create a graphic, have relayed to a backscreen and have behind Pierson’s head in literally a matter of seconds. I did it that fast. There’s no damned excuse in this day and age for not instantly, in real time, fact checking a guest IN THE MIDST OF AN INTERVIEW, and insisting on some coherent, honest answers to questions. If everyone did it one of two things would happen: Either you came prepared and told the truth, or you declined the interview out of fear of being monumentally embarrassed and shamed over your stupidity and dishonesty. Either is OK with me.


Katrina’s going to have to start wearing her shrunken soldier head necklace…

