Discussion: Pennsylvania GOPer Shares Misleading Meme Promoting Fake Online Voting

In my parents’ generation, Bircher/KKK type Republicans would paper black neighborhoods with flyers saying “Republicans vote Tuesday, Democrats vote Wednesday.” Apparently anyone who fell for it was “too stupid to be allowed to vote anyway.”

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Lock him up!

On second thought, let’s bury some smart phones in cemeteries and let all those dead people vote Democratic from their graves! That’s what Rudy thinks is going to happen!

I’m thinking of the best way to do it. A bracket, perhaps?

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He should be impeached immediately and removed from public service.
Then throw the book at him.
No mercy.
Smug little bitch.

I hear that if but only if you’re an asshole, you can vote for Trump by taking a dump and pulling the lever, and that you don’t have to wait until election day. No sir, not a bit. But the CLINTON campaign does not want this to get out, so to speak. And they control the outlets. So if your toilet is stopped up and you’re an asshole trying to cast your dump for Trump, you may just have to take your ass to a polling place. Rigged!!

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It’s illegal in Pennsylvania for any elected official to purposely share misinformation about voting and elections, according to the AP.

I like to see the specific legal codes so I looked through the Pennsylvania Statutes regarding elections and I can’t find anything specifically about elected officials sharing misinformation. Of course there are the usual prohibitions from interfering with voting or voter registration, but that does not appear to have any code specific to elected officials in general.

See this link:

Confirmation Bias (wikipedia)

You’re welcome.

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This raises a Host of questions:

• As a made member of El Trinidad de la Cielo Fuerza de Uno, does Jesus’ vote count as one or 3?
• If Jesus’ vote counts as three, would he hedge his bet (two for A, one for B) like lobbyists are wont to do?
• Since Jesus is not here, though he promises to return, would he vote absentee?
• If Jesus votes absentee wouldn’t that be voter fraud?
• If Jesus commits voter fraud, will he just forgive himself?
• Will Jesus signal his return with the Cubs winning the Pennant or with a Free! Anything You Want night at every restaurant on the planet?
• Will Jesus be so kind to Rapture all of the assholes and leave me here?

I’m sure there’s more.

Edited to include responses (edited for clarity):

@lastroth asks:
• Would Jesus’ GOTV appeal work only with us on earth or only those in Heaven?
• Would the election be considered rigged if we don’t let those in Hell vote?
• Who would the Blessed Mary would vote for?

@the_mask asks:
• Would Jesus try to vote from a State of Grace?
• Would Trump and the Republicans try to deny Jesus the vote because of the color of his skin?
• What kind of photo ID would Jesus have that the Republicans would accept at the polls?

I’m sure there’s more.


It is not voter fraud. It is election fraud. You are correct about Republican law breaking however.

Brackets would work. I think you weight the nationally know against the state levels and spox.

PA pols are corrupt and republicans are specially vile. Mike Turzai, the Senate president, was caught on tape bragging about a voter ID that “would guarantee Mitt Romney’s election”. They are trying to pass another hit job law on poll watchers, that I hope the governor will veto. They know they can’t win fair and square, so they cheat.

Would Jesus GOTV appeal work only with us on earth or only those in Heaven? And would it be rigged if we don’t let those in Hell vote? I wonder who Blessed Mary would vote for?

Has anyone seen this at Daily Kos? The Supreme Court invalidated the Virginia Governor’s order restoring voting rights to felons, saying that he overstepped his authority by issuing a sweeping order. The Governor’s response was a promise to issue individual orders restoring the rights.

This below is by Max Boot. We on this side rarely if ever agree with this guy policy-wise. And I waste no time criticizing many of those like him who have contributed to create what the GOP is today and do not recognize their responsibility for it.

But people who struggle and agonize over this horror may be a more decent bunch than their party that still endorses the horror.

Am I still a Republican? I’m not sure, because I don’t know what the Republican Party stands for anymore. Is it still the party of principled conservatism, promoting freedom at home and abroad, or has it permanently become the party of conspiracy-mongering, authoritarianism, and white power? I’m not sure I want to know the answer to that question.

A friend of mine is named Superman. He usually goes by another name, but that’s his legal name that he would have to use for voter registration.

This was from back in July. He was only able to do something like 15,000 of them quickly (the ones who had already registered). Any word on how it’s gone since then?

Arrest this slob.

Lorenz is the guy second on the left!


Wow! that’s some real-up-to date breaking news there, sport!