Discussion: Pennsylvania GOPer Shares Misleading Meme Promoting Fake Online Voting

Clearly the election is rigged. As proof, I offer this website I faked…

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Another one from the basket…


“Look at the meme itself, ‘You can vote from home comfortably online,’” he told the AP. "Who could possibly think that?

A lot of Trump supporters and Fox viewers would certainly believe it had the meme said “Trump” instead of “Hillary.”

Don’t believe me? Why not try it and see?

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They’re voting with their free, taxpayer-funded Obamaphones, dontchaknow. The election is rigged, and decent, hard working, God-fearing Americans are paying for the rigging!


Funny how all of the verifiable election fraud seems to be committed by Republicans…


TPM users, please be aware.

The GOP has trademarked and process patened “voter fraud”, so each time you mention it, you may owe the GOP royalties…


Some folks can be convinced of anything. Evidence not needed. In fact evidence gets in the way cuz of all that libitard bias you hear so much about. Cain’t trust them sciencey types.


lawyers is smart. sure to be good for business? yikes. the stupidity is breathtaking.

Donald Trump is right, the election is rigged, however, it is being rigged by the Republicans.

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It was always and obvious joke when you get caught. Or sometimes an attempt to test security.

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Thank you.


Gov. Tom Wolf (D) also issued a statement obtained by the AP, saying he believes “any attempts to disrupt the electoral process should be investigated and prosecuted.”

Change “should be” to “will be” and then I’ll be satisfied.

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“Look at the meme itself, ‘You can vote from home comfortably online,’” [Lorenz] told the AP. “Who could possibly think that?”

Hmm. Let’s see. They would have to be really, really stupid. But who could be that obtusely dense? Gee … Oh, I know: The average Trumpette.

They are truly a breed alone. By that, of course, I mean they will be voting on Nov. 28th.

P.S. I hope Joshua Lorenz goes to jail. Law and order and all that.

Let me guess: The party that wants to jail and/or shoot Hillary Clinton for some stray f***ing emails will cry FOUL if this jerkweed gets prosecuted.

Thankfully, We aren’t that stupid. Also, Hillary’s campaign has probably gotten their troops out to counteract these shenanigans.

Slightly OT, but early voting in GA is off the charts. I still think Georgia goes blue in a few weeks. Not by much, but don’t be shocked.

Well, sure, but what if it was an OBAMAPHONE? HUH? WHAT THEN SMART GUY?!?!?


I think I’ll take my family on a southern blue states tour next year.

Are you saving these for after the election so we can vote for the King or Queen of Deplorables?

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Crap – you are right – I totally forgot about that - caffeine heartburn – here I come.

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Can the American Psychiatric Association, when it gets around to issuing the DSM-VI, please classify being Republican as a recognized mental disorder? Maybe personality disorder, or narcissistic personality disorder, or a new classification-- asshole personality disorder.

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