Discussion: Pence: We Can Address Any Funding Issues With Obamacare Repeal Later

props for pusillanimous

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Ralph definitely has the dictionary out today. :wink:

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The Electoral College does reflect a stateā€™s population. California has far more Electoral votes than New Mexico. I think what you meant to say is why arenā€™t Electoral votes cast in proportion to the votes of the citizens within each state.


Quit being so panegyrical.


Thx, struggled to find the right words.

The state budget of most red states is imploding.

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Upvote for this. Also agree with everything else in your post.

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This completely blows my mind. This false talking point of the Republicans is the worldā€™s most obvious lie. They deliberately block out the 16 months of debate and over 100 republican amendments, to pretend that somehow Republicans were helpless victims in the evil Obamacare repression. What utter bullshit. Have they all wiped out that part of history from their brains?


As governor of Indiana, Mike Pence finished the work Mitch Daniels had begun, breaking the state of Indiana on behalf of billionaires, leaving everything from the toll roads and bridges and waterways to the public schools a shambles, recklessly gerrymandering the state, throwing Democratic voters off the rolls, and eradicating environmental regulations that might have protected citizens from the awful effect of full-on toxic pollution (Indiana has some of the worst air and water quality stats in the nation, and getting worse steadily and rapidly since last Novemberā€™s result encouraged the mills to turn off the scrubber stacks and let 'er rip).

All the way through his tenure of governor, even as the wreckage piled up around him, Mike would smile blandly and assure Hoosiers that he was making everything better, and that everything would work out just fine.

It didnā€™t, unless you mean ā€œwork out just fine for polluters and billionaires.ā€-

Even Mikeā€™s arch-conservative Republican successor, Governor Holcomb, who was elected to continue marching Indiana straight through the gates of Hell on behalf of the dark money cabal, has had to invest a lot of political capital correcting some of Mikeā€™s more egregious blunders.

But Mike apparently has no fear that the Lord will think any the less of him for being a malicious, mendacious, incompetent tool of the oligarchy. When you lie for the Lord, is it really a lie?

So there you have it. You canā€™t trust the word of Mike Pence on any topic you might care to name, any further than you can throw a grand piano.

Like many of Donaldā€™s staff and Cabinet, by the way, including the heads of the EPA, HHS, and the CIA, he is a Charles Koch favorite from way back. And we know that for Charles Kochā€“now in the twilight of his life, having lived into his 80sā€“his lifelong quest to destroy Americaā€™s safety net and to undo the American democracy is now truly within reach.The sense of gleeful urgency from the old boy is practically palpable these days.


Koch didnā€™t decree the Electoral College. Trumpā€™s current destruction of the nation is not what most voters wanted. Faulty democratic mechanisms like the Electoral College enabled this current state of affairs. Koch is surely evil, but people born well before him devised the blueprint making his shenanigans possible.


Thereā€™s time you say. Tell that to someone with a serious illness, you heartless SOB.

Their suffering is ameliorated by a dependable supply of cigarettes, cheap beer, Little Debbie Snack CakesĀ® and NASCAR on network TV.


And Chuck of course pointed out that was because the dumbfucks running those states chose to refuse to expand medicaid and if they hadnā€™t been deadset on puting partisan posturing before the health of their constituants they too could be getting that money, right?


And opioids. Donā€™t forget those little helpers and soothers.

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Good points.

Nevertheless. Read Jane Mayerā€™s Dark Money. Itā€™s an incredible work of journalism, and it leads you to the uneasy conclusion that however messy the politics of money (especially fossil fuel money) have always been in American public life, the fossil fuel heir Charles Koch has, in a targeted, focused, politically ingenious way, made everything catastrophically worse.

Without necessarily subscribing to Great Man theory or any sort of ā€œdefining momentā€ single cause theories of history, I think itā€™s just undeniable that without Koch and his elaborate, angry, paranoid, programmatic and lavishly funded attack on democracy and democratic institutions (and indeed, on truth itself), the US political situation would not be nearly as dire and ugly as it is: and the Republican Party would not have been able to manipulate the Electoral College to take a presidency theyā€™d lost in the popular vote not once, but twice, in sixteen years.


Cheap smokes and legal fireworks. Hoo boy.

ā€œAlmost anything would be better than Obamacare. Obamacare is imploding,ā€

First, if almost anything would be better than Obamacare, you guys must be working your fingers to the bone to find stuff that isnā€™t.

Second, $10 says you donā€™t even know what the word ā€˜implodingā€™ means.


The inclusion of ā€˜Little Debbie Snack CakesĀ®ā€™ was GOLD, man. PURE GOLD!

At $50/per band-aid.

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Possibly. But were Hillary in office a great deal of the angst and danger weā€™re in would just not be there. At all. Sure, Dems are in bed with their own group or neā€™er-do-wells. But Trump benefited from a perfect storm of events and errors having nothing to do with devious plotting by the likes of Koch. Koch didnā€™t conduct and store government business on a private e-mail server. Koch didnā€™t pay or influence Comey to bungle the timing of his statements regarding alleged Hillary crimes. Koch didnā€™t pay people at Fox News to hammer Benghazi for months on end. Nor did Koch pay Bernie Sanders and Jill Stein to split Dem votes at the polls. Sure, letā€™s grant heā€™s effectively devious and destructive. But heā€™s not the Wizard behind the curtain. Democrats do quite well fucking up their own campaigns, without any help or interference from dark overlords.