I’ve been around quite a while, so I have a long frame of reference. Still, I can say without equivocation that there’s never been anything in American politics quite so cynically evil as Graham-Cassidy and the blind Republican rush to pass it so they can finally boast: “Yep, we killed Obamacare!”
I call “pants on fire”…
ETA: talking about “pants on fire”, here’s Spicey claiming he never “knowingly” lied during his time at the WH.
Evil against the weakest members of our own population. And also an astonishing example of black-is-white straight-up lying in the face of the obvious truth. There’s just no lower limit I can see.
In an effort to sell the repeal to skeptics, Pence appears on the flagship show of the Pravda network. Because that’s what skeptics of the trump administration watch. Fucking fox and friends.
Pay no attention to the devastation behind the curtain.
With friends like Pence, Christianity doesn’t need enemies.
OReilly:“Spare the rod, spoil the child!”
ooops, we spent the funding on Secret Service protection. You have no idea how expensive Mar-a-Lago golf cart rentals have gotten.
And then there was that tax cut. But think of the economic boost to the one-percenters!
Ahhh, yes.
The GOP, the Party of Fiscal Responsibility
“It’s absolutely true to say the Graham-Cassidy bill over time levels out on a per-person basis the way we distribute money on healthcare, which I think resonates with most Americans, that we will ultimately get to place where the resources available to states are based on a per-individual basis. And we’ll get to that,” he said.
Temporarily setting aside the distribution plan,
I wanna know when did he fall in love with socialism.
This sadministration has caused me to become cynical to the point that I now believe it has nothing to do with Obama or Obamacare. The Obama part is to sell it to their base.
What’s driving this is $$$$. The GOP is indebted to a small group of donors who are calling in the debt.
The GOP has promised huge tax cuts to the mega rich and the only way to give those cuts is to take it from the needy, i.e., medicaid.
IMO this is all about tax breaks for the .001%.
I can’t decide: Is Pence better at being stupid, or better at being a liar?
When Pence says that “later” Congress can figure out funding for this bill, that the important thing is to pass it now, you know they know there’s no quantity or quality of lipstick that can dress up this particular pig.
Pence’s robotics are chilling. He’s like a character from a story that belongs in The October Country.
They don’t have the votes presently, but they’re now campaigning out in the open and aren’t hiding. They’re just lying about their bill but aren’t getting the better of the facts. If the GOP does pass this it will be shooting people in the middle of fifth avenue in broad daylight. They will face the maximum political push back.
As of right now, there are fewer committed GOPers to this bill than there were to the Skinny. With the exposure that the Dems have given this, with the help of private groups who have assessed the impact, industry groups like AMA, Anthem Blue Cross, and Jimmy Kimmel, it will get harder, not easier, for fence sitters to move to Yes. My Obamacare repeal meter is at 35% currently, down from 50% on Monday morning. That’s still a danger zone, but the burden has now shifted to the GOP to get votes as more details about the devastating impact of this bill (the worst of all Trumpcare bills) becomes more widely known. The clock is also a factor here. We all have to step up and call Congress, and get our friends and families to call.