Discussion: Pence: We Can Address Any Funding Issues With Obamacare Repeal Later

Liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar, liar!


So basically it’s sign on the dotted line for this lemon - don’t worry about the rust, the noisy transmission, the dent in the rear or the fact that the speedometer doesn’t even work - just sign the contract and we’ll work out the whole payments money thingy later. The important thing is you’ll have a new car and it’s better than that old one you have now!

Imagine a salesman telling you that when you’re at the car lot.

I guess I don’t get it. The Republicans always screamed how we have to figure out how to pay for spending when Pres. Obama was in office but now they’re at the helm it’s basically ho hum, not important. (like with the Medicare prescription benefit and two wars).
Where are the TeaBaggers? Why aren’t they up in arms about this? Where is their outrage when trump takes weekly vacations to his resorts, at the Mnunichs requesting government perks for themselves while honeymooning or Price jetsetting around the country when he can fly commercially or drive where he needs to go?
Now Pence is talking about passing a bill and lets worry about the funding later??? WTF???

Such hypocrites.


“It’s absolutely true to say the Graham-Cassidy bill over time levels out on a per-person basis the way we distribute money on healthcare, which I think resonates with most Americans,…

“It’s absolutely true to say the Graham-Cassidy bill over time levels out on a per-moocher/taker/lazy black/minority/poor person basis the way we distribute money on healthcare, which I think resonates with most Americans,....

FIFY-Say what you really mean, Mikey.

Liar. But he plays the stoopid card effectively. Remember, he used to be a radio talk show host. I don’t know what that means but I’ll make something up.


I was thinking the same thing with a dilapidated house.

If I were a governor, this would be a screaming siren in my ear


Pence: We Can Address Any Funding Issues With Obamacare Repeal Later

OK, but what if you are sick NOW Mike? What then? You kill Medicaid and what then?
Why does it always take a medical crisis in a GOPer’s family for them to understand simple logic?


Yeah, that’s right. If they get the votes there won’t be a lot of shillyshallying about Next Week. They’ll rush the vote through before anybody can be swayed to change their mind.

The way the last one collapsed–McCain a “no” out of the blue–calls into question the value of "tentative"public “commitment” pronouncements.

Monday a guy named Jack Bouroudjian, a trading-floor insider and Trumpie, was crowing on TV about how McConnell wasn’t consulting the insurance companies in drafting this bill, He said the companies are “out of the picture”.

Sure they are. They wouldn’t care if this Feydeau farce is muddying the insurance-stabilization negotiations.

Bouroiudjians an idiot either way. But the surest way to insure defeat of the bill is to ignore the lobbyists, so I hope to hell he’s right that they’re doing it. If so they’re engineering it to fail.


This is no WTF mystery. The GOP is all about reversing and undoing everything Obama did. To this day they are still in shock a black man won the White House. THEIR White House. When he won it a second time their shock went to 11 on the dial. A black person running the country was inconceivable. Having failed to stop him, twice, the next best thing is to wipe out all evidence he ever held office. Sort of like it’s 1890 and the black landscaper screws your white wife. What to do? Well, obviously the guy needs killed, can’t have any reminders around to stick in your craw.

For the GOP obliterating Obama’s legacy is the same as shooting the nggr that screwed your wife. It has to be done, or else you’ll never be able to move on.


I want to buy a luxury condo in Trump tower. I don’t have the money right now, but don’t worry—I’ll make it back from the porno shoots.


I like the car. How much is it?
Isn’t it bright and shiny- and SO much ‘better’ than Obama!
How much?
Look, just get in the damn car! We’ll send a bill later- isn’t it bright and shiny and a better color than the last one?
I’ll take it. Send the bill to the taxpayers.


Don’t you mean toothpick instead of rod?

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I believe this is the particular pig you reference.

If you want to see it just poke on the icon thingy in the upper left corner.


After all, it’s called the White House for a reason!

Too bad Demented Don is turning it into an outhouse.


No they won’t. Up is down and down is up, so their base will support and vote for them even more feverishly.


I know it’s necessary for a workable cartoon, but they’ve got the wrong part at both ends.


"And we’ll get to that,”

Because c’mon, we’ve only had 7 years to figure out our replacement plan. You can’t expect us to have details worked out!!


Will there be pee?

Sorry. Silly question. If it falls anywhere under the T rump Brand, of course there will be pee!

Too much bullshit, too.


Here’s GOP health care in a nutshell:


bien doublement entendu, monsieur.