Discussion: Pence Says He's 'Hopeful' McConnell Won't Have To Go 'Nuclear' For Gorsuch

Elections have consequences and we need to respect the will of the people.

In the last election, the people made it clear that they think eight justices is quite enough, and that they are just fine with obstructionism.

I hope the Democrats listen to them.


I don’t recall Pence speaking out about Merrick Garland’s nomination being filibustered.


Aw, Mary Worth is hopeful…that’s nice.


My pants is hopeful and he’s also praying. I smell defeat in the air for the Rs.

But a ray of sunshine. The DeVos nomination is in trouble. Murkowski and Collins will be voting against her.

Senator Al Franken, Democrat of Minnesota, has said he believes every Democrat will vote against Ms. DeVos. If that is the case, the defections by Ms. Collins and Ms. Murkowski would bring the number of votes against her to 50, setting up a tie in the Senate that Vice President Mike Pence, in his capacity as president of the Senate, might need to come in to settle.

Spice Boy is delusional in his very special way and is "100 percent confident she will be the next secretary of education.”


“So I would say, it’s up to Mitch, but I would say, go for it.”

In other words: it will be Mitch’s fault if this goes wrong.


Ya, right, Mike.

I’m thinking Flake will be the third.


Politico has a somewhat more dismal outlook.

I actually called Rand’s office (sort of fruitless to call the girls in Mitch’s, they always troll me by saying how much I sound like the turtle, anyway Mitch’s phone hasn’t answered in years) and would urge others to as well, massage Rand’s stunted president appendage.

I’m sure we all take them for their word on this.


Bullshit, Pence is hoping the Drumpf Train jumps the tracks, explodes, and is buried by an avalanche, so he can become the Homophobe-in-Chief.


Pence: "Well you know I was a little busy back in IN cutting money for county health clinics and dealing with all those HIV cases, and they there was all those women and their lady parts I need to regulate backed by God’s divine plan, and those “people,” you know the ones who seem to think that they deserve to be treated like the rest of God’s children should be treated. So Antisachetdethe I just had my hands full.


He’s hopeful and nodding like a minister counting the plate…


While scoping out the altar boys…


Flake has been acting surprisingly un-republican throughout what feels like the 1000-year trump realm. He’s up for reelection in 2018, so he’s evidently brimming with confidence.

Don’t know if it was posted here, but trumpeepee has filed his re election papers. Why, you might ask. To make sure the money still flowing into his campaign does not have to be refunded.


Meh…nuclear by next Friday.


My locker room ladies and I were discussing this today, and it’s the conclusion we reached. I’d rather go with the dissenter who thought trumpp might encounter a suicide bomber.

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I think “Mother” has kept such a very tight leash on Mike the old dog’s forgotten. Trump and others in his closet, er Cabinet, I’m looking at you Andy Puzder and your pastel sweaters, are chickens yet to hatch.

Will Rand or someone who answers his phone care what a a left coaster has to say?