Discussion: Pence Says He's 'Hopeful' McConnell Won't Have To Go 'Nuclear' For Gorsuch

He will if you say you want to donate to his reelection campaign.


TRANSLATION: "Nice little filibuster procedure you got dere…

Be a shame, a real dirty shame, if anything could happen to it.

Yeah. We’d all hate to see that happen, ya know?

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Ambitions, my lovely…heady wines in the best crystal…age and never die.
Rand might be a schnook but he’s been reading that Big Book of Presidents since he was an even littler person.

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Pence is just Blackadder with a lot more religion and silver hair. And less wit.


Someone should point out to Pence that the nuclear option can be avoided by giving Merrick Garland a vote.


Dems need to hold the line here. Repubs are going to do what they want to do regardless.


That will also allow him to hit up his supporters for cash early and often.


What’s the problem? Your superior (i.e. Rump) told Yertle what he wants. Make it happen Mr. Vice President. I mean, Rump says jump and you say how high, right??


Unfortunately, I think the right thing to do is to filibuster and let the Rs Nuke the filibuster. If the Dems back down, they will be the latest victims of the Trump Domination Politics. Nuke it, let Trump rant and rave and be more likely to do something stupid cuz he can’t get the Dems to cave.

EXCEPT, if they do that and Garland is voted down, then the Dems “have to” allow the vote on Gorsuch.

OR, they could pull a Republican ACA move…demand all the changes then vote no. So vote for Garland and still filibuster Gorsuch???

We don’t need 9 justices.

Cut the SCOTUS budget and give Trump another 18 tax free years.

The people should decide the next Justice in the next election…exactly how Republicans treated legitimate Obama and how Democrats should treat illegitimate Trump & Pence.

It’s all academic, really. As far as the Republicans are concerned, Merrick Garland doesn’t exist and never did.

They’ll do what they have to do to put Gorsuch on the court, without limit.


Man from Glad sez what?

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I shoulda read further. trumpp said he would monetize his political career, and here’s how it’s done.

Financial disclosures filed with the Federal Election Commission show that a lucrative December made the move an accounting necessity. The Trump campaign ended the year with $7.6 million in the bank and no debt, so any funds raised over $5,000 by the campaign in 2017 would have be returned unless Mr. Trump registered as a candidate for 2020. He obviously was not prepared to offer refunds.

And the money has kept flowing. The campaign brought in more than $4 million in expense refunds, mostly from members of the media and the Secret Service for the seats they used on his campaign planes. This arrangement is typical — campaigns are required to charge the Secret Service and the press a fair rate. What’s unusual is that most of the campaign’s air travel expenses, nearly $9 million, were paid to companies owned by Trump.

Trump campaign, along with two fundraising committees that raise money jointly with the Republican Party, brought in $6.5 million in contributions in the last month of 2016. More than a third of that was spent on on hats, mugs, stickers and other collateral.

I have to add this. Rs will come to him for campaign donations, rattling their tin cups, and they’ll have to play ball or they won’t get a dime. In that way, they will ensure he’ll be around longer than we can imagine.


Well, everyone knows the way to Trump’s heart is to give him money, regardless of the fact that the Trump Campaign no longer exists, and he’s got a clever little slush fund going here. Wouldn’t want to do anything to mess it up.

I do hope Farenthold or some other enterprising journalist is digging deep into these donations to find the illegal foreign contributors behind some/many of them

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Two bits of good news. First, Beyonce is preggers with twins, second, trumpp is being ordered to pay $5.7 million “for refusing to refund deposits to members who wanted to resign from his Trump National Golf Club in Jupiter FL.”


Too bad Pence, you signed into a party known for stupid decisions. Have fun

Actually, now that we know he’s jettisoned Malaria, oophs…Melania for good, we can also hope he’ll have a massive heart attack while bonking some hookers in Lincoln’s Bedroom. That or stroke out from too much Viagra.

One can only hope for so much, eh?

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Now that Bannon is POTUS and Trump is the Veep, where does that leave old Tuppence?

Time for him to charge his campaign fund $5.7 million for an event at the club.

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