Trump Said Sex Was ‘Great’ with ‘Deeply Troubled’ Women
CNN reports that in 2004 Donald Trump and Howard Stern discussed actress Lindsey Lohann, who was 18 years old at the time:
STERN: “Can you imagine the sex with this troubled teen?”
TRUMP: “Yeah, you’re probably right. She’s probably deeply troubled and therefore great in bed. How come the deeply troubled women, you know, deeply, deeply troubled, they’re always the best in bed?”
Are they going to say these women plan to vote for Hillary or something? Because that does not under cut the claims. And I do not get the sticking fingers in the ears about the predatory remarks. The talk of the ten year old girl, the actions going backstage and the way he said things in that 2005 video indicate this is something he had done before and was planning to do at that point in time.
I do not see how anything would disprove any of this without witnesses. And even that would be hard at this point in time.
It is like they have selective memory about the tape and do not understand context or what words together mean.
I think the angle they are going to take is that this guy is a Clinton donor and has it in for Trump. So he went and got these women to say something and put an article out to hurt Trump when it would matter most. Just because they found a donation or something.
If that is the angle they take it will excite the base but I do not think most people will care. At this point he would need to dismiss at least six different women’s accounts. Not all from the NYT. There is really not a way to do that. Not without a monstrous conspiracy. That said, this election has been so strange. Who knows at this point? His base already thinks everybody is out to get him.
If there was proof, they wouldn’t wait to release it. And how exactly do you prove that you didn’t molest or assault someone? Orange Manbaby and his handler, Pence, are full of shit.
I’m pretty certain Trump and Pence already have the angry white male vote wrapped up. They do, however, need lots of female voters to come to their side. If you think attacking these accusers will accomplish that goal, please proceed, Governor.
I’ll stay tuned, but I won’t expect a much different explanation.
The first word when asked if you believe him should be yes, but he had some wandering bs speal.
if anybody “gets it” about Dump being a sexual predator, it’d have to be Ivanka. Cue that teen pic of her posed on his lap like a callgirl…
hahahaha, good times, right, Ivanka?