Discussion: Pence: Difficult Time During Religious Freedom Fight 'Behind Us'

Discussion for article #235337

If you want to make that so, get your GOP-controlled legislature to revive and pass the non-discrimination bill they killed a few days ago.

Otherwise, all of America and the world will know that nothing’s changed in Indiana. The state that elected a KKK governor in the 1920s, the state where you and other Republicans have worked hard against any rights for LGBT Americans, remains opposed to equality for all Americans.


When does he run for office again? I wish it was sooner than later, and if not his opponent will already have a hell of an ad all ready to smite him.

(Keepin’ it biblical, YO!)


After Pence made his stirring announcement he loaded his staff into charter busses and treated them all to lunch at Memories Pizza.


In your dreams, chump.


Couldn’t have said it better. Hiring a PR firm to put lipstick on a really stupid action by the governor and
legislature is compounding the injury for state residents and taxpayers.

They’ll wind up paying PN tens of thousands to try and convince the rest of the country that Indiana is just a wonderful friendly place full of people whose best friends are gay. Passing legislation that bans discrimination would make that reality, and prove the truth of whatever PN tries to claim…and cost a LOT less.

And to think Pence was thinking about a run for the Presidency. Horrors.


Oh, no, no, no, no, Mike. Oh, no. That attack on civil rights isn’t nearly in the rear view mirror. Not nearly. For gay people, and for that matter, people with a sense of common decency everywhere, Indiana represents hatred and bigotry. It will be a long, long, long time before I ever set foot there again.

It is noted that there are many kind and decent folks in Indiana, but if election results mean anything, they are in the minority.


Kind of like shooting yourself in the foot is “a difficult time in the struggle to walk” I guess.

So, when are you whipping out a Personhood Bill, Mikey?


Pence was visiting the House chambers in Washington and Louis Gohmert sneezed on him. Thus proving “dumb as a stump stupid” is communicable.


Difficult time = self-inflicted faceshot.


Too late! We already know what Indiana and Pence stand for.


Can Pence see Jesus’ house from up there?


Why sure, all citizens of Wingnuttia possess Palinvision.


There are things in Indiana that I love to visit but I’m skipping until there is statewide protection against discrimination against LGTB people.


TRANSLATION: The Final Four’s over now. We can go back to slamming the fags.


What a dim bulb he is.


from the linked article:

His comments came just one day after his administration hired a global public relations company to help repair the state’s damaged reputation. The state plans to pay the firm, Porter Novelli, at least $2 million.

So today’s announcement is just to help distract from/cover up the grift.


Only children make silly statements like that. It’s not gone just because you want it gone…and if it was gone why did Indiana hire an image management team to handle the fallout…RECENTLY.


also from the linked article:

Senate Minority Leader Tim Lanane, D-Anderson, proposed an amendment to the state budget Tuesday afternoon that would have created a committee to study the possibility of adding statewide protections from discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity. … Republicans shot down the amendment on a 40-10 party-line vote.

Rep. Ed DeLaney, D-Indianapolis, also proposed an amendment to an unrelated bill in the House that would add statewide LGBT protections from discrimination in housing, employment, education and public accommodation. That effort failed on a 66-24 vote to uphold a ruling that it wasn’t closely enough related to the original bill.

It’s NOT fucking over, Gov. Pence.


Too bad for penny-pinching Pence and the Indiana economy, it will now have to get by with less businesses attracted to his state because of his harebrained idea to play Minister of Religion, with a gawd-given right to discriminate, instead of demonstrating leadership as a fucking Governor like he was elected to do. Live with it asshole…You built that. Can’t wait to see how your state revenues are doing in about a year from now because of this idiocy.

While he wants to pretend that people should now move along as if nothing’s happened and there’s nothing to see now…Its really, really too late for that.