I wonder if there’s a way to help close the budget by cutting domestic programs?
Isn’t that what all Republican legislators and Governors have been doing since, forever? They may think its penny-wise but it truly ends up being pound-foolish as they say.
Depends on what your goal is, doesn’t it? If it’s a functional government, sure, it’s a bad idea. If you don’t care, and just want to keep the poor poorer, well, there you go.
The sound of this guy pleading to make the questions easier, "George. . . George. . . George. . . " is still in my head.
Keep on whistling, a$$hole. The graveyard’s just there to your right and it stretches on for quite some distance ahead of you.
FYI, He’s up for re-election in 2016.
You could say it ends up being Pence foolish…
Well the idiocy has spread to my neck of the woods, not surprisingly. We have a lot of Holier than Thou types here. Get a load of this idiot. He was on the nightly news less than 15 minutes ago. This guy has a business in Grandville, Michigan not far from me, called DieselTec. Takes all kinds I tellz ya…just another fucking bigot.
His communications director really does think that using slightly different words for “spend more time with her family” and “pursue other opportunities” totally doesn’t signal to the entire world that she was fired for incompetence, doesn’t she? I mean, she didn’t use the exact formula and used other words and stuff, so take it at face value.
Yeah, somebody will snap her up in no time.
Did a lot of business with a major audio company in Indiana but have moved on to a different supplier in New York, had they repealed the law I may have considered coming back but Governor Pence has just made it worst. It will be a LONG time before doing business there again . . . . .
If your troubles were behind you Mr Pence, why did you hire a PR firm?
And recent polls here in Indiana are now showing Pence’s approval ratings down under 40. His numbers were north of 60 before the Religious Freedom fiasco.
I wonder what his criteria for “openly gay” is? I’m sure he’ll be surprised to find out that many of his burly, plaid-wearing customers are gay.
Denault stressed to TPM on Wednesday that the resignation was because she wanted to spend more time with her six-year-old triplets
In further news, Denault is searching for a place where she can adopt 6-year-old triplets.
Hope springs eternal.
Spill whatever " Mission Accomplished!" BS you want, Pence; this is F A R, F A R, F A R from over!
Since your national political aspirations have been publicly incinerated–
what do you plan to torch next Gov?
AP is reporting that organizers of the Western Conservative Summit conference in Denver are refusing to let the Log Cabin group have a booth. The Log Cabin response:
“I think it’s very shortsighted,” Hornaday said. “What turns young people off from the right is a perception that the right is intolerant or anti-gay. This reinforces that perception.”
Walker is being pressured not to attend.
This is by no means over. The only question is how much damage the GOP wishes to do to itself.
And by God, the LCRs will make sure that they can be pointed to as not-typical-conservatives whenever convenient, and then stored back in the closet at any other time.
Way to stand up for yourselves, guys!
Oh come on pence, lets try something else to make you feel famous. Lets do states rights social security and privatize it to the highest bidder with the profits going into general funding to be used at the governors discretion.
I dare ya lol