Discussion: Pelosi: Trump Is 'Making An End Run Around Congress' With Emergency Declaration

Fires up the Hulu…
Dang…an ad. Life insurance…
McCabe…“Trump exposes himself”


What the hell that is is a reminder to Republicans that once the precedent is set any president regardless of party can do it.


Have they impeached the motherfucker yet or indicted his evil spawn and son in law yet? Asking for a friend.


Watch this space.


Nope, nobody


When you say “his” I’m assuming you’re forgetting this is President Miller’s idea, whose wisdom has so unceasingly failed Dear Leader since Day One.

Moreover, if Steve can declare a national emergency in the absence of, well, an emergency that will likely be shot down as easily as the Polly (a Norwegian Blue, if I remember correctly) in a Monty Python skit, what is to stop him from declaring martial law. The answer: Not much, legally speaking.


Sounds like chaos to me.

It would be nice if she reflected that.

Excuse me? :angry:


They entered on an Emirates flight from Saudi Arabia and have enrolled at junior colleges across America.


Two weeks ago she was lauded for having a Grandma’s instincts. I’d like to see them in force.

Pelosi wasn’t laughing. However, she needs to be careful about how she speaks about this. Republicans just as easily could use this type of talk as a way to whip up fear of Democratic presidential candidates.

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Incredible Trump just spent the last two months mashing his nuts with a hammer and now thinks he’ll get better results if he tries using pliers and a corkscrew. At no point will he ever understand why he’s the only Republican dumb enough to promise the things Limbaugh and Hannity pulled out of their asses.

And the real problem is that conservatives aren’t supposed to get anything. It’s an endless cycle of impotent rage at never getting the things that will solve their problems, so they keep voting for the people who are causing their problems in the first place. The worst thing for Trump is if he got his boondoggle wall.


It’s not at all clear that as a matter of law this is going to work, and I’m not going to listen to a 1,000 competing voices on cable. If he invokes emergency powers to build a border wall, Mr. Trump is almost certain to invite a court battle

One could be cynic and say the Rs will shop around for a sympathetic judge, but til then let’s be calm and carry on.


But they did not come across (in hoards) the Mexican border…

Bring your stupid bare ass her way, she’ll show you how a grandma operates.


That was my thought at first. I think @thebigragu should have put quotation marks around “grandma” It reads differently that way and is the way I like to believe it was intended.

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We’re too quick to denigrate women and say later we shoulda, coulda, woulda. Basta.

My thought is trump has stepped in it again and Pelosi is fixing to hand him his head.
I am quite sure she has thought this thru and he has not (not the same extent anyway)


Which they will do regardless.

It’s time to stop flop-sweating about how we are going to be attacked. Republicans have only one mode and that is attack. It’s not like they are the party of ideas.

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