Today’s GOP is literally encouraging terrorism. They aren’t a political party at all. They are a radical revanchist white nationalist cadre.
I hope the Sergeant at Arms has one of these, and isn’t afraid to use it. Or since it’s the USA, a reliable 36” Louisville Slugger.
I hope Pelosi will keep calling him out on things like this. What would the Rethugs think if tRump were to do this same thing for members of their party? Outraged, maybe, with the Dems they don’t say squat. They are a bunch of abhorrent criminals not doing their jobs.
There are too many nut jobs in the US that would take tRump up on his suggestion in a minute. This is serious.
There’s nothing much else Pelosi can do. Trump could literally, and I mean literally, offer a reward for Omar’s head and nobody could do anything about it. Just like he literally begged Russia to hack and disclose Clinton’s emails. Pelosi can only try to manage the political fallout, and it’s her calculation that a prolonged national controversy about Omar v Trump will only benefit Trump and the GOP.
She has to step carefully but firmly as tRump will continue to say and do stupid often unlawful bullshit to keep his Cletus Army lathered up ahead of the 2020 election. He has no interest in politics or governing, only in being re-elected and remaking America in his own image.
While most of his tweets and angry baby routines are designed to drag all media attention toward him Democrats need to pick and minimize their battles in order to focus on bread and butter policies that will make voters lives better. Michelle Obama said it best…go high.
Might be a good idea to have one or two designated spokespersons in the mold (yes…mold) of Sister Sarah and Kelly Ann. Let them handle his daily outbursts and leave more visible politicians to speak to Democratic policies and standards going into 2020.
We won’t win if we choose to respond to every outrageous turd this guy lays.
And while I hate saying this…The new reps would do well to focus on legislation and resist the temptation to offer up their opinions whenever a microphone is thrust their way. I respect their backgrounds and the hard work that got them into the House but I’m becoming more and more in favor of their just shutting the F’cK up.
Omar’s not Irish by a long shot, but she’s got plenty of moxie.
“The President’s words weigh a ton, and his hateful and inflammatory rhetoric creates real danger,” she added. “President Trump must take down his disrespectful and dangerous video.”
Of course, because it’s Trump, he won’t take it down because it’s Nancy; and he doesn’t want to lose to Nancy again. Nancy knows this; knows that he won’t take it down and adds this to her growing list of items for the articles of impeachment.
AOC, Tliab and Omar (and inevitably Pressley) get more criticism than their male counterparts (Crenshaw is an obvious example) and it makes no sense to believe that staying in the background will solve this.
Doing that will just embolden Crenshaw, McCarthy, etc. to do further attacks, because if the Democrats aren’t willing to defend (to an extent) the well known, then why shouldn’t the GOP go after the lesser known congresswomen (Underwood, Hill, Porter, Horn, etc.).
I agree but I do think you should respond in a dignified manner when attacked, as she did there. I liked the way she worked in 45’s kids-in-cages and the GOP refusal to consider any kind of immigration legislation. Nifty play.
I took the “at arms” part seriously and figured it was a belt-fed .50.
About Funking time…
The insane president makes death-threats to a sitting congresswoman because he doesn’t like her religion. He also urges others to kill the congresswoman. And he means it.
It is immoral and unconscionable that our press treats this insane, murderous conduct as just-another-dumbass-tweet from the moron-in-chief lalala President Trump is inciting the most evil type of criminality: murder.
He should be arrested for this, just as kids who threaten to shoot up a school are arrested.
Agreed. But then, he should have already been in prison for his 2nd-Amendment threats against Hillary in 2016, so should never have been in the position to make new threats.
IOW you want the status quo… I don’t, I want ideas other than the same-o same-o…I’m tired of the Democrats following REPUGS around saying we can’t do xyz. What the hell has happened to the can-do attitude of the past. I want ideas, I want people to try, instead of it’s hard so let’s not do a damn thing.
Yet Pelosi preemptively takes impeachment off the table. Brilliant like Chamberlain was brilliant in WW2.
They would warrant less defending if they’d not feel compelled to opine for every microphone thrust their direction.
Crenshaw, McCarthy, the idiot Gaetz are baiting them and casting a wide net of separate realities. I’d prefer that we not take the bait, ignore or let a couple of designated spokespeople do the responding. Then promote promote Democratic policies to help the middle class.
I’ll go as far as to suggest that when the eventual Democratic nominee face tRump in a televised debate they simply respond to his baiting with a simple “Really?” or “How would that work” and then get back on topic, not let tRump drag the debate off into the weeds.
She didn’t, only said it wasn’t the time yet.
This strikes the right note, effectively emphasizes the gravity of Trump’s offense. I like as well that Pelosi mentions Omar’s family. The attacks on her have behind them the intention to dehumanize and objectify her, thereby creating the requisite distance that allows for full and free the hatred of her otherness.