Discussion: Pelosi Defends Biden: He Just Meant That He's 'Worked Across The Aisle'

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Candidate Obama picked Biden, ran with Biden, and won with Biden despite his past work and quotes. President Obama governed successfully with Biden, despite the VP’s past acquaintances.

If Obama worked so well with Biden, and by all accounts grew close to Biden, then what is the fucking problem here?


This is why nobody should be afraid of Joe Biden, he turned a simple point about being able to work with people he disagreed with into “some of my best friends are racists”


I’m pretty solidly Warren/Harris but if Biden’s the nominee, I’ll happily vote for him.


Hell, I can top that. My mother and father were racists.


When Democrats ‘work across the isle’ it results in bad policy, tax cuts for the rich, stripping us of privacy and of course, more war.


What’s wrong with working across the aisle, anyhow? Isn’t that how things are supposed to happen in a democracy?

So Joe suffers from gaffe-itis, he is still at the moment the candidate most likely to take out the Orange Trash…


Obama isn’t the candidate.

And ot is no longer 2008/2012.

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Beats me. But whatever it is, I wish people would stick to supporting the candidate of their choice without the Biden-bashing.


one old school corporate shill defending another.


The problem is that Biden appears to have learned absolutely nothing from his time with Obama. For the entire 8 years of Obama’s presidency the Republicans fought him tooth and nail. Their opposition to Obama extended into overt racism and, ultimately, led to them aligning themselves with our enemies like Putin and Assad in order to thwart Obama. Those 8 years culminated in Trump, and with the GOP signing on to his authoritarian regime.

So not only did Biden learn nothing from his time with Obama, he doesn’t recognize that today’s Republicans cannot be bargained or compromised with. He doesn’t recognize that the GOP is truly the party of white nationalists who are willing to create a dictatorship that will repress the whites of minorities, women, and non-Christians. To be fair to Biden, Pelosi and many other Democrats don’t recognize this either.

That’s the fucking problem. Biden, Pelosi, et. al. don’t understand the danger America faces. They seem to think that if they are simply rational then Roe v. Wade won’t be overturned, and that women in the US won’t lose control over their bodies. They are very, very wrong, and their gullibility in the face of the authoritarians is disqualifying for the offices they hold and the offices they seek.


I have worked with racist, Christians, adulterers, and God knows who else.
We got things done, at work, without liking each other and then went our separate ways.
Most times the good won out .


I think this was more the point…



The biggest difference is that in 2019 this country is fractured along lines that weren’t as tectonically active in 2008 (for white people at least). This country is having to grow up fast — and Biden is showing that he isn’t capable of keeping pace. We have better options anyway!


The nominee will be bashed by Republicans whoever it is.

Better we kick the tires now than later. If it hurts him now it would hurt him later. This is what the primary is supposed to be about.


He never said or implied that, yet you put it in quotes. Why?


Sorry, gotta call out stupidity when I see it…


Today’s daily reminder of what Biden’s strength is, his duties as Veep under The Forever President. Served him well and loyally but it ended in January 2017. Now we’re in an era where every word is examined and even if those words have never been spoken, we’re paying closer attention to the meaning of all words. Particularly gaffes which Joe specializes in.


The world has changed in the last decade. Biden is still 3 decades behind and while I very much liked Obama and still do he did manage to allow himself to be hornswoggled in the name of cross-aisle relationships and bipartisanship.


You beat me to it.

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