Discussion: Pelosi: Cantor Loss Means 2014 Is 'Whole New Ballgame'

Discussion for article #223785

Time to give Nancy Smash her gavel back!!!


Yes Speaker Pelosi there are consequences to the do nothing Congress.


a koch and a smile


You really want to see Boehner cry again - That’s an ugly scene, as much as we want Nancy to take back that gavel…


Set Laura ‘benghazi’ Ingrahm loose.


We need 16 more.


Boehner is not going to shed any tears over Cantor, who has been causing him grief for years. He’s probably dancing a jig right now.


Well a step in the right direction, sure. Game changer, maybe not so much in the House.

Still entertaining? Absolutely! You repeat what you sew.

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This will only be a game changer if a Democrat wins this seat this fall…If the bagger wins, all it means is we have another extremist…


In reality… math matters…

Respectfully disagree. Just wait til you see/hear the headlines/news proclamations tomorrow.

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Meh. Obviously a Dem winning the seat is far the preferred outcome, but trading Cantor, a member of the leadership, for a no name rookie who has no juice and is just another ass braying in the back of the corral isn’t bad runner up prize.


She takes this as a personal victory. She is on video saying instead of trading 5 taliban leaders, we should have just traded Eric Cantor.


We haven’t won the Virginia 7th (this was a primary and still a +10 R district according to Cook Reports) so not sure where you are getting your “16” number from.

Somewhere a Democratic Strategist is smiling…


When the most productive Speaker of the House in many, many years says something like this, I’m listening.

They whacked Eric. Now we take his cut of the action.

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The Brat Mon’, believes in NOT increasing the debt limit. End of story.

The Dems need to hammer the entire GOP with how poorly austerity works, as even the EU is looking at stimulus now because they as well as the GOP young guns, gas upped and drove that false data excel sheet into the ground.

If you want gravel roads, vote for the GOP!


Afraid not, Madam “Off the Table.”
Here, you had an energized electorate eager to get off their backsides and punish someone who wasn’t mean enough.
This does not mean that it will turn out one more lazy, layabout Democrat come November.
The voters in Virginia (where turnout was low-no surprise) doesn’t mean you can get people to put down their remotes and pick up a ballot, let alone get them to mark that ballot in a way you’d like.
Democrats have a truckload of work to do on Independent Voters (Like me) this time around also. A former Speaker spouting platitudes won’t get me to vote for the Doormats this time around. If you want my vote this time around, you and your “Party” are going to have to EARN it. That means policies, not platitudes, and it also means organization and alternatives, not sound bytes and “We’re not them” as a platform.
Sorry, Madam Ex Speaker, but you and yours had better try a whole lot harder if you want that gavel back.

No Madame Speaker,from Cantors perspective I think it means this,with a cost of 5 Mil.

“I started a joke, which started the whole world crying,
but I didn’t see that the joke was on me, oh no”

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