She’s trying to placate the little babies. it won’t work; they are too dumb to understand.
It is stupid comments like yours that keep the pot stired. Most are already on board. Nancy said exactly the right things. Your diparaging comments not so much,baby. Remember Trump would rather go bankrupt than pay you.
All she did was speak a simple truth.
Dear Ms Kirkland,
A note on modal verbs:
There is a class of verbs in English called modals. All the auxiliary verbs except be, do and have are called modals. Modals generally change the mode of an expression from indicative to conditional, potential, or the like. One of these is may. It is used to express possibility: It may rain, there may be something in what you say, they may have a legitimate complaint, etc.
The statement “they may have a legitimate complaint” is thus different from “they have a legitimate complaint”. The may changes the statement from a statement of fact to a statement of possibility. To then say “Pelosi Calls Sanders Supporters’ Complaints About DNC ‘Legitimate’” is a distortion when what should have been said was “Pelosi Say Sanders Supporters’ may have ‘Legitimate Complaints’ About DNC”.
I just thought you’d like to know this.
Your friendly neighborhood grammar Nazi
“May” have a legitimate complaint? The Democratic Party apparatchiks are trying their damndest to pin this on Russia and Trump, so people ignore what’s actually in those emails:
Of course they’re legitimate, but let’s not make a bigger thing out of it than it really is. Fix the issue, move on.
I see why she’s the leader — plain-spoken, no-bullshit, calling it like it is.
Nancy was wonderful. If only progressives would empower her.
Yea,nice to see Pelosi being so upfront after all the damage has been done.
Good catch and point When Nancy speaks she is always careful with her words. I thought it was perfect
It looks to me like everything is coming together nicely even though you will never admit it. Even Jeff Weaver said yesterday in discussing the emails. that if someone were to have hacked into their emails they would have found many things to make a big deal of. What is mpre important to me is the Russian connection with Trump and Manafort
And how could a politician survive w/o “may” in his/her vocabulary? The wiggle room word every politician needs to survive. But trying to use it in a serious relationship can be dangerous. You don’t want to say, “yes, that may have been me.”
It’s more than that.
She’s with her state delegation in preferring the policy platform of Clinton-less Sanders over a Sanders-less Clinton. And, true as far as that goes, less diplomatically Peloski’s with the party’s biggest state delegation by far, one of the most overtly liberal, with them in thinking the DNC HQ thumb for Hilllary was fked up & bul*t from Go, with them in feeling resentful at having had yet another Clinton foisted on the party, and with them in looking on as both tickets feature a non-Hispanic white NYC resident at the top and a non-Hispanic white male old east state con or mod as vp.
Cal, Wash. state and Oregon make up the most reliably liberal regional base in the party, yet for over a century have been treated like terratories. Even the GOP has nominated Californians at the top 4x in 50 years.
Dem party presidential nominations since 1900:
Nebraska, New York, Nebraska,
New Jersey, New Jersey,
Ohio, West Virginia, New York,
New York, New York, New York,
New York, Missouri,
Illinois, Illinois,
Massachusetts, Texas, Minnesota,
South Dakota, Georgia,
Georgia, Minnesota, Massachusetts,
Arkansas, Arkansas,
Tennessee, Massachusetts, Illinois,
Illinois, New York
NE coast 12, MidWest 8, South 7, Plains 3, West coast 0
A sixth + of the Dem population - a liberal 6th at that - has been shut out.
They won’t vote Trump, so it doesn’t matter. That’s politics.
You miss my point completely (what else is new) and yes, things are “coming together nicely”. To have both Warren and Sanders keeping President Clinton from creeping back over the wrong side ( the dark side) of the 50 yd line, is comforting.
I didn’t get the impression that any action was taken by the DNC against Bernie based on what some staffers said in the emails, however inappropriate, and that DWS may have acted to stem the conversation.
But, fair is fair. Here’s hoping Wikileaks can get a copy of The Donald’s tax returns so we can see the content in those.
The Public has a right to know!
Another Clinton ‘foisted on the party’. Truly. Are you INSANE? or just another youngster that thinks the Democrats began in 2008? You have no idea how good Clinton was for the Dems let alone the country. LOOK AT IT IN CONTEXT. Some of these comments rewrite history by pretending 2016 is JUST LIKE 1992. As with ALL Presidents, BILL Clinton did some great things, some crappy things and made some missteps. OVERALL I believe more good than bad. He also had CONGRESS to contend with…the Congress that was elected BY THE PEOPLE. Oh and BTW…I live in Washington, I was born in Oregon. We are not treated like ‘territories’. We are treated like a reliable base. We also had a SPEAKER elected in the House. I don’t understand what it is you feel ‘mistreated’ by. I also get tired of hearing how no one was ever progressive until Bernie arrived on the scene…when was that? 40 years ago or in your recent memory.
You are correct. These comments generally seem to come from people who were not around for Nixon, Reagan and The first Bush. Maybe they don’t know that Lyndon Johnson sacrificed the Democratic Party for “progressive causes.”. These are people who did not live through the days when being a Democrat was tantamount to being a traitor and we were reviled for supporting positions that are now mainstream. It is easy to support gay rights and abortion rights today - all in one sentence but it has been a long journey. It is possible today for Bernie Sanders to run as whatever kind of socialist he is today BECAUSE there have been those in the Democratic Party who have put themselves “out there” to be slashed and burned for “progressive” causes. One if them is our next President Hillary Clinton.
She’s 100% right. Some of them have gone off the deep end and regularly spout a hyperbolic version of the complaints, but the more reasonable people do have facts in evidence to back up their disgruntlement. It’s not the end of the world to admit this and there’s no reason to get all defensive with knee-jerk denial. Addressing their concerns should be seen as an opportunity to better the party and strengthen and unite the liberal/progressive movement, not something to be resisted because you desperately don’t want to admit there’s something wrong.
The DNC needs work. I watched the party apparatus fuck up the governor’s race in MA like nobody’s business because the machine wanted Coakley so bad they were blinded to her absolute incompetence as a candidate. And yes, it was complete with heavy-weights throwing their substantial weight around by making “or else” promises and playing delegate games to satisfy their need for the cronyism they euphemize as “loyalty.” And all so we could be gifted with the worst political campaigner and most mealy-mouthed milquetoaster in modern history, who all but handed the state house to a Republican on a silver platter. It was unforgivable.