What a smarmy little shit weasel.
And fuck the MSM deep in the ass for letting him get away with this nonanswer. crap.
Sam Rayburn, Tip O’Neill, Nancy Pelosi–oh how far the Speakership has fallen. Ryan is a real limp dick.
Hell, even John Boehner was more effective than Ryan.
Paulie-----the in-artful dodger.
Poor Ryan doesn’t seem to want to address that Trump’s treatment of women and his saying he is going to be “focused on policies and principles and unifying our party” are inextricably linked?? How does a party alienate women and try to enlist their support? Answer: They don’t!
58 percent of Republicans trust Trump to lead the party
Think about that for a moment. An openly misogynist, racist, bigot is who Republicans trust to lead their party.
Even though I already know that, it’s still stunning to see this kind of polling in 2016. There’s a veil of unreality around it that’s hard pierce.
He’s taken a master class in how to answer the question he wants to answer not the stated question, and this will be his non-answer answer to anything asked of him. I recall the sound bush made when he said “I’m a uniter not a divider.”
“focused on policies and principles and unifying our party.”
@jimtoday When the ass kissers and know nothing Rs keep telling him he’s the smartest guy in the party and presidential material even, he begins to believe it.
@arrendis Paulie’s looking at Wisconsin which drumpf did not win.
“I hope it is because the person that’s getting the nomination of our party is the person to lead our party.”
Gawd, he’s starting to sound like “Word Salad” Palin. Did these people graduate middle school? Ryan is so in over his head it’s ridiculous. I guess slapping an R after your name, being able to rattle off three tired GOP talking points, and say “Democrat party” makes one a Republican rising star, huh?
‘Right, if you don’t want to talk about Trump’s treatment of women, then let me ask you a question about the Republican party’s treatment of women since the inception of talk radio…’
‘Oh, oh, okay, I’ll talk about Trump.’
It’s a race to the bottom.
I dunno, I kind of see this as 'That’s right. All those people trust Trump. Let ‘em. I’m pretty safe in my district, and if everyone’s focusing on Trump as ‘the leader of the party’, then if we lose the Senate, and we lose a lot of ground in the House, none of that shit’s on me. They want the Donald? They got him. I hope they fucking choke on him.’
Only, a little more polite.
So he’s a passive-aggressive smarmy little shit weasel.
But hardly fair, since Boehner had such a head start. Got to admit, though, that Ryan is making up distance rapidly.
I’m not going to get into the day-to-day, up and down…
…lying, cheating, abusing nature of the GOP candidate for president or the united states of America…what the fuck will pique his curiosity?
“58 percent of Republicans trust Trump to lead the party while just 39 percent trust Ryan.”
Who would you rather buy a used car from?
The zombie-eyed granny starver never lets anything get in the way of his personal ambition.
Well that pretty much describes a typical male republican voter and even more sadly some self loathing republican women voters.
Isn’t that what the ® after his name means?