So, why did the “do nothings” need a presser? Did they just want to give the press an opportunity to toss tomatoes at them? I need to know what they promised and can’t deliver on or if they were apologizing over missing another deadline…like the Puerto Rico crisis, or the ACA reform, or tax reform, or a jobs bill, or a budget…I must have forgotten something gop promised and can’t do.
Oh, well…BENGAZI!!!
The blue-eyed ripped Princess Elsa of the Republican Party says sweet nothings again. Princess Elsa’s comments are still a slap in the face of Donald Tramp. I like that he continues to find ways to publicly humiliate that Tramp Donald.
That’s okay. We’ll keep asking.
How do you feel about the way Trump is hiding his taxes?
Sorry, Paul. But refusing to condemn IS an answer.
“Dat dude on teevee…the one who avoided getting his head shaved and he has the funny sounding wife. You know, the Mormon.”
The speaker was also asked about a new NBC News poll that found 58 percent of Republicans trust Trump to lead the party while just 39 percent trust Ryan.
“I hope it’s Donald Trump, he’s getting the nomination,” Ryan responded. “I hope it is because the person that’s getting the nomination of our party is the person to lead our party.”
I’m curious how Paul Ryan feels about whiney little beyotches who turn tail and tattle to Teacher, the first time someone stands up and punches back. #TattleTrump
Tread carefully, you make a big mistake in approaching this with logic. That way lays madness. The GOP is too far gone. If you keep trying to deconstruct this I fear for your sanity.
I kind of like this side of Paul Ryan. The further he gets away from speaking number words that sound serious despite failing to add up, the sleazier and weasel-ier he sounds.
It suits him well, doesn’t it?