Discussion for article #235171
When Paul Ryan starts telling the truth about his budget proposals (and his marathon times) I’ll then start listening to his opinions.
Scott Walker has about as much chance as Mitt Romney did…how is that Vice Presidency going, Paul?
He has a really good chance of losing badly.
a good friend of mine. I just give him advice
Air kissing isn’t just for society ladies and homos any more…
HE LOOks LIke A PREsident SHOUld: ConserVATive, WHite ANd MALe.
Walker, like Ryan, won’t be able to even carry Wisconsin in a Presidential election. Some chance…
When one grifter endorses another grifter…well it means…piyush
2 of Amerikas scariest, most dangerous thugs.
This is great news! I had no idea that Wisconsin had legalized weed!!
“Scott Walker Has A Really Good Chance In 2016.”
I used to think so too…until he opened up his mouth and inanities fell out. Ted Cruz is going to make mincemeat of him in the debates.
Ted Cruz terrifies me. He’s a good speaker (even if the things he says are just flat out fucking nuts–never underestimate middle-America’s ability to parrot retarded shit if the originator of said shit confounds them), just raised a shit-ton of money, and can sew up the crazy Republican base, which he needs to navigate the conservative primary gauntlet. At this point, I don’t think he’s as much of a longshot as Maddow and even Josh Marshall thinks.
Cruz may be a certifiable fuckin nutjob, but look at the chuckleheads he’s going against:
Scott Walker is a blathering idiot
Rand Paul can’t seem to stop stepping on his own dick
Jeb Bush is just as dumb as his brother, and most likely will have a hard time appealing to the conservative primary voter, especially when given alternatives
Marco Rubio has the personality of a decaying cardboard box
Chris Christie…ha-ha
Donald Trump…hahahahahahaha
True that, Eustace, but if only he could manage to look and speak as if he were competent, then maybe he’d have something.
Clearly, Vice President Ryan knows all about it after he and Mittens won “by a landlslide”…
A cheesehead promoting a cheesehead. Whey to go.
well, this from the man who does not believe the polls and was shellshocked when he did not become VP?
hmpf… so says the guy that thought Mitt Romney had ‘a really good chance.’
Says the guy who was sure his own ticket was going to win. A really trustworthy independent voice, there.
Paul Ryan: Scott Walker Has ‘A Really Good Chance’ In 2016-- Until the Iowa Caucuses.
Thanks to Rep Ryan for playing: Who’s The Latest Clown Car Candidate?
Ryan’s right that Walker has the best chance of any other Repub in the field. He’s developed that Teflon media coating where any criticism bounces and makes him look like more of a “tough-choice-making” conservative outsider. It’s dangerous to think that he’s a weaker candidate than Romney.
Hah. About as good a chance as he had.
Same circus act, same clowns.
Bring in the clowns…