Discussion: Paul Ryan: 'Process' Of Budget Deal 'Stinks'

Discussion for article #242202

“I think this process stinks,” Ryan said.

But under the circumstances, I’ll take it.


The process stinks primarily because you and your ilk live in a fantasy world where you think you can get everything you want and compromise is forbidden.


…as a conference, we should have been meeting months ago to discuss these things to have a unified strategy going forward.

You guys did meet months ago. You came up with a unified strategy: don’t do anything and hope Obama caves. The same strategy you have tried for years and has failed every time. Don’t try to claim you didn’t know the deadline was coming.


“…to have a unified strategy going forward…”

For that, you have to compromise a bit…which your caucus has shown a complete unwillingness to do. So…fuck you.


“And by “people” I mean “rich people”.” Ryan added.


Where I think Ryan will fail (meaning that he will not rise above and be considered presidential material) is that he focuses solely on his “conference” - that the “conference” has to be united. He does not speak in terms of developing consensus within the House or in even inviting Democrats to be part of the equation or discussion or even having a seat at the table.

If Ryan was really interested in becoming President, he would talk in terms of the House (he is after all Speaker of the House, not of the Majority) and offering as part of a solution to gridlock inclusion of Democrats. You know, kind of what a President has to do to get anything done.


“This is not the way to do the people’s business and under new management we are not going to do the people’s business.”



yeah… its a shame you let a handful of people in your own party hold you hostage…


If they were really concerned about the debt they’d restore the Reagan tax rates and close the carried interest loophole. Remember Jeb’s brother’s awe-inspiring leadership also included cutting taxes while simultaneously taking the country into a trillion dollar war.


Having been too busy taking bong hits and attending keggers to study all semester, Little Jimmy suddenly finds that he has a fundamental problem with the mid-term testing paradigm the night before the test…


Let’s have a process where the whole country has to concede its well-being to 40 GOP Freedom Terrorists so they can act out their fantasy of being Righteous Kings or shut down the country for the rest of us.

That would be better, for sure.


That doesn’t apply nearly so well to Granny Starver as it does to the Freedumpsters.

Ryan’s being involved in anything effectively means that Grover Norquist, a consortium of large hedge funds, the largest of the bankster orgs & MOST of all Pete Peterson’s client base are wildly over-represented at the negotiating table.

But Ryan will in fact negotiate - just in ways that lead to unnecessary & avoidable suffering & hardship for tens of millions.


Bone thrown.


“Why, I’m just the poor little chair of the Ways and Means committee, sir, and haven’t the slightest idea what that Mr. Boehner and Ms. Pelosi and all have been talkin’ about!..but let me tell you, if I was running things, and not just a poor innocent out here, we’d do things differently, I promise!”

Seriously: we understand that not all members of the Freedom Caucus are distinguished by their political or interpersonal acuity, but are even they dumb enough to believe a word of the disclaimers pouring from the Speaker-to-be’s mouth? Political theater is all well and good, but you have to count on the audience to suspend their disbelief for it to work…and the Tea Partiers out there in the country disbelieve profoundly in “Washington politicians”, and I doubt they will suspend that disbelief for a microsecond on Mr. Ryan’s behalf. That being the case, what’s the point of his transparently mendacious and oozingly meretricious posturing?


Oh Paul you’re so adorable…to think that in this Congress, in this House you can do ANYTHING by committee is worse than naive. The REASON (which you well know) it was done behind closed doors is to avoid a shutdown which would surely happen if you try to govern by committee.

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“We are up against a deadline, that’s unfortunate.”

Dude, every single day, we all deal with deadlines. The vast majority of us don’t constantly make asses out of ourselves and bitch and moan the whole time about what we’re not getting out of the process called life.

There are many (and I do mean many) very reasonable steps this nation can take to shore up our long-term financial outlook and not kill and maim so many individuals in the process. We can also get there without thoroughly trashing our only livable space–that gloriously wonderful sphere we all call Earth. Can we do it perfectly or without quite a bit of effort (at this point we’ve allowed ourselves to get)? No, but we have many good options that won’t break the bank or hurt the least among us. That last part–the least among us … or should that read “those among us who have the most??”–is always the hitching point, isn’t it? I seriously do get a little bit queasy when I hear those on the right refer to themselves as “the Party of Lincoln.”


Hahaha. So isn’t he implicitly criticizing outgoing tyrant/squish Boehner, who’s totally saving his ass (and maybe that of whichever GOP presidential candidate tumbles out of the clown car last), for not giving the “Obstruction Forever” crowd a chance to take hostages and blow up the economy? Golden.


A final responsibility free FreeDumb Caucus pander is a real blessing for Ryan. And that stinks.

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Paul Ryan IS part of the GOP leadership. He’s trying to distance himself from this deal, even though he benefits from it. Boehner is saving Ryan’s ass and Ryan thanks Boehner by publicly trashing Boehner. Maybe that’s part of the plan, but it also shows that Ryan is a turd.

The GOP should have been meeting months ago, hey Paul, why weren’t you saying that then? Oh yeah, you were probably busy writing one of your Rainbows-and-Unicorns Budgets that magically saves nothing while destroying the safety net and reducing the debt in 4000 years while taxing the government to pay the rich.