Discussion: Paul Ryan Issues Warning Shot: He 'Will Not Tolerate' Another Dem Sit-In

Such a fake big man. This statement is up there with those phony weightlifting pictures. I mean, Ryan is a phony in the genuine sense of the word.

Gee, Paul, you really frighten us with your tough guy language.



he’s just stressed. imagine having to talk to louie gohmert every day? it would make anyone wonky.

Actually, he sounds like what not to do in Chapter 1 of “Parenting for Beginners”: don’t threaten more than you can deliver.

Hey Paul tweet for you!

@SpeakerRyan “We will not take this. We will not tolerate this.” voters feel the same about the numerous #Benghazi investigations too.

Dear Speaker of the House of Representatives(second in line for the presidency,) your credibility went from strained to broken the moment you endorsed pathos for the office of president.

Paulie reminds me of the 98 pound weakling in the old Charles Atlas ads. He’s gonna hafta beef up.

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That sounds very ominous coming from the NRA’s favorite boytoy Princess Elsa Paul Ryan.

Or the Republican Party’s.

A notable thing about that sit-in was how utterly proud rank-and-file Democrats (including me) were of John Lewis, the other Democrats in Congress, and of their party.

In contrast, when was the last time the GOP leadership did anything that made their base take pride in being Republicans?
(The most enthusiasm they can usually muster is claiming “both parties are just as bad.”)

If Ryan wants to play King Sh|t about this, fine.
But unless he’s even dumber than he looks, he should have been able to see what that sit-in did for Democratic Party solidarity–while half his party’s organization despises the other half, and their presidential nominee is so bad that delegates are suing to not vote for him.

And if he really wants to see us standing shoulder-to-shoulder . . . just keep making threats, a-hole.


This is the equivalent of mom threatening the kids with the shop worn “don’t make me stop this car”…he can’t even control the assholes in his own bitterly divided caucus let alone shame or embarrass the Dems who appear to be acting with a modicum of concern and integrity.


This large version of Beaver Cleaver is so out of his league. He is the definition of a manboy, to think he is the House Speaker, I shudder.
Idle threats from a playground bully with nothing to back up his bravado, bring it douche.

Well, Paul, you had your chance to be a man and you ran away like the spineless fuck that you are. It takes no guts at all to come back a week later and say “It will never happen again!! OR ELSE!!!” which is precisely the amount of guts you have.
You’re done, wienie.

Ryan doesn’t just look like a douche, he IS an extra-strength douche. He’s filled up to his watery, rodent-like eyeballs with vinegar…unsanitarily mixed with bullshite.

I think the Dems were actually hoping they would be arrested. So, game on…

Well, if drag queen Ayn Ryan insist he’s no longer going to “tolerate” another Dem Sit-In, then all he’s got to do is get off of his ass and put forth those gun control bills up for a simple vote!

That is all he has to do! So if he continues to deny that vote, oh well! The beat goes on!

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That sounds like a challenge to me.

Who does he think he’s fooling? Ryan hasn’t been able to stop his own caucus from undermining him. How is he going to stop a sit in or any other such maneuver by an energized Democratic caucus?

Conservatives like to sound so tough, but they have no idea how to handle any problem that confronts their own leadership much less the leadership. It’s so obvious and so pathetic.

House Democratic candidates could actually get a boost (even among the GOP base) by pushing back against this weak Establishment Republican. Nobody respects this man or thinks he’s smart. After capitulating to Trump on an endorsement, but suggesting other delegates might want to vote their conscience, Ryan looks weak to both Independents and Republicans.

Go ahead and threaten Democratic House members and undermine your position as Speaker even more, Ryan. You can’t get routine business through the House without Dem votes as your own caucus won’t vote for it.


Paul Ryan: “I am intolerable.” …

I’m gonna…puff…puff…I’m gonna…I don’t know what I’m gonna do, but I’m gonna do something, and you better watch out for what I’m gonna do.


I think he should just burst into tears, ala John Boehner.

Rumor has it that Ryan is going to approve open carry on the floor of the House and institute by voice acclamation a “stand your ground” rule also. Than when his R’s feel threatened by Democrats sitting on the floor they can just blow them away. Problem solved Paulie.

Pauly boy - the way things are going you are going to be Speaker of a divided Congress in 6 short months, in a period when you clowns don’t show up for work most of the time anyway. (If you’re even Speaker at all…) If you entertain any thoughts of running in 2020, the vision of you having Dem. members hauled off the floor of the House for disturbing the peace,( including an icon of the civil rights movement,) will ensure you can kiss those dreams bye bye.
Every tactician from Sun Tzu to Clausewitz
to Vito Corleone will tell you that you never signal an ultimatum - doing so transfers the power - and the timing - to the ultimatee. As another commenter so succinctly put it: Bring it. And you’ll find out what “widow’s peak” means in your life.

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