A 9/11 memorial to the hijackers maybe.
See what happens in a low turnout election when the progressives split their vote between the Democrat and a third party candidate?
LePage was meeting with the designer of the new D-Money & Smoothie Memorial…
How can one man be so stupid and brainless as to compare the War of Treason in Defense of Slavery to the tragedy of 9/11? He is clearly incapable of shame or rational thinking, much like our president*. Neither of them should continue to hold political office for one more day. Luckily, LePage will be leaving the executive mansion soon; hopefully, so will Trump. What a disgusting display of sympathy for bigotry and hatred.
LePage is a porcine asshole. What would you expect?
Listen here you Nazi parasite Page: The Confederates were TERRORISTS and TRAITORS. The 9/11 heroes where MURDERED by terrorists.
You are not only a stupid, uneducated gutter snipe - you are an un-American traitor who should be removed from office and tried for treason.
Yeah–if the terrorists made a monument to their cause, saying they will never forget it, sure Paul.
I had no idea those Maine soldiers fought with the rebels at Gettysburg. Gonna have to change a lot of history books.
Everyone point and laugh at the crazy old man drooling on himself. He has demonstrated he deserves no deeper thought. Don’t let him under your skin. “pencil terrorists”, lol
Oaf. Sad!
Lame duck wants publicity.
“To me, it’s just like going to New York City right now and taking down the monument of those who perished in 9/11,” he said. “It will come to that.”
The stupid sticks to these people like dog shit to your shoes.
What do you think you know about the south, LePage? Just shut up.
LePage has never been know for having either the capacity for shame or for rationality. He is, indeed, Trump’s mini-me.
Again and again I am amazed at how far Republicans will go to deify the leaders of the Confederacy.
Look for Trump to tweet some of LePage’s nonsense.
Unfortunately, the modern day Republicans don’t really know, want to know or understand their party’s previous history.
“They should study their history,” he added later. “They don’t even know the history of this country and they’re trying to take monuments down. Listen, whether we like it or not, this is what our history is.”
This war hero later became the 32nd governor of Maine and it wouldn’t surprise me at all, if he was turning in his grave now.
LePage — who admitted he hadn’t known about the protest for days because “I don’t watch TV and I don’t read newspapers, because frankly, I believe newspapers are nothing more than pencil terrorists”
He must get his news from Bazooka Bubble Gum.
<img src="/uploads/default/original/3X/b/e/be6360b996d2fcb5a7661a05be30f8092b45fdd6.png" width="303" height="166">
I went to that memorial a couple years ago and was surprised they had so many statues of the attackers on display.