Discussion: Paul LePage Says Confederate Statues Are Comparable To 9/11 Memorial

Right, just like the 9/11 memorial, because there’s a big bin Laden statute at the grounds of the World Trade Center, right? What a gigantic moron.


CONGRATULATIONS Paul LePage - you are a winner !

in his acceptance speech, LePage thanks the people of Maine for making all of this possible.


What’s the matter, LePage? Did you start thinking that maybe people had forgotten how crazy and what an ass you are? Well, with all the competition from Trump these days, I guess I can see how you were feeling a little ignored.


Le Page has always been living proof that the formula R + ME = Asshole. Also, since I doubt that there are any Confederate monuments in Maine, I don’t see that he has dog in this hunt. Sad.

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I’m just surprised he hasn’t already.

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Why do these bastards who freakishly cling to the memories of & monuments to the Confederate Army …

Always turn around and say to the Black population:

“slavery ended over 150 years ago - so stop talking about it”


I prefer dog statues.

Exactly. My great-great Grandfather died at Andersonville, so I have no respect at all for any of those “memorials”.


How could American citizens in a purple state of Maine have elected and reelected this idiot and racist?


Replacement statues available

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A soldier, a statesman, a scholar, a gentleman, and a Man of Honor–everything Mr. LePage is not.


Now we hear from the only man in American public life more clueless than Donald Trump.

No Paul, there is nothing comparable between a statue of Robert E. Lee or Nathan Bedford Forest and the 9/11 Memorial. The first two honor American traitors and the last honors American victims. I am still trying to figure out why we need to honor traitors. Tell me if you can.

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The stupid oozes from this idiot’s every pore.

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…but then Paul LePage is an ignorant bigot who could not find his butt with both hands and a mirror.

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Every memorial to the Confederacy is a public statement that says ending slavery and giving full citizenship to African Americans was a bad idea.


If you want to read a fictionalized version of the 4 days that earned him the Medal of Honor, read The Killer Angels. There were some really hard men from Maine on the summit of Little Round Top. While under severe attack and running out of ammunition he decided to lead a bayonet charge that broke a Confederate attack. It might be a little overstated, but his action probably saved the Union. He accompanied Grant when Lee surrendered. He was everything Page is not.


Oh Jesus…just stop talking LePage. You are embarrassing in your stupidity.

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“To me, it’s just like going to New York City right now and taking down the monument of those who perished in 9/11,”

Here he is claiming a monument to Americans killed in an attack from a bunch of foreigners is the same thing as a monument to a traitor.

And Gov. Bullfrog wonders why a lot of people think he’s as dumb as a sack of hammers.

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All these folks are is sore losers.

Lee himself was against them


How in the fuck can people make such blatantly stupid public statements. Are they really dumb enough to believe them or if not to believe that anyone else will?

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I’m not much into hero worship, nor daring-do tales of military conduct. But THIS GUY…