Discussion: Pat Robertson: 'I Wish Reagan Would Rise From The Dead'

Pray, Pat…pray.

To be fair, the mental health patients issue was sort of a perfect storm. You had Reagan and the conservatives trying to cash in on Amurikkka’s disdain for the mentally ill combined with some misguided bleeding heart liberals wanting to “set them free” to protect their personhood and rights of autonomy. Now we have a total revolving door shitshow in the mental health industry, which basically treats the whole thing like a medication drive-thru on behalf of Big Pharma. Medicate 'em and forget about 'em…until suicides, mass shootings, mommies drowning kids in bathtubs, etc…at which point we hold a memorial, pay some lip service to the whole issue and then return to ignoring it in short order.

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[quote=“TheoD, post:37, topic:18303, full:true”]
It has actually already happened yet only THE ONION chose to cover it:[/quote]This should reanimate the conservative base…lol.

Zombie Reagan Raised From Grave To Lead GOP


Why not drool over a president that’s still alive - like, oh, say… BUSH!
Weird that Robertson would rather have Reagan rise from the dead. Creepy.

And I guess having policy differences with the president is fine but the right wing thinking they can read Obama’s mind and say what he’s thinking and what he loves is tiresome. Makes me discount anything else they have to say.

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And we believe that George Washington, when he “chopped down the Cherry Tree” said “I cannot tell a lie”.


And Reagan is Myth.

Maybe that’s why the last GOP Presidential candidate was named Myth.

The Pat Robertson demographic are those who have aged-out of the Fox News demographic.


Well…that certainly clears it all up, doesn’t it? :wink:

Hey pat, go play in the middle of highway near you. When you get sent to where ever you think ronny is, have a chat and see if you 2 idoits can find a way back. Until then, to da loo!!!

Resurrected Reagan Re-elected: Expect more budget busting deficits, tax hikes, secret talks with terrorists, arms dealings with enemy states and radical Islamists, amnesty for illegals, health care mandates, epidemic outbreaks, runaway factories, cut-and-runs after attacks on overseas military bases.

Just Say No to Resurrected Reagan.

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Pat’s got that fresh from the dead look down cold. He could give lessons.


Ted Cruz would denounce him as a “squish.”

The legacy of Ronald Reagan is largely mythical. He campaigned against Jimmy Carter accusing him of negotiating with terrorists and pledging to fix the deficit. What happened? Well, RR negotiated with terrorists (remember Iran Contra?) and left office with the largest deficit, for then, in history. Much of his cultural conservatism was lip service to the base merely to garner votes. He ignored the AIDS crisis. Oh, and by the way, last but not least, he raised a lot of taxes too (so much for being adored as a tax cutter).


The GOP has Daddy issues. And Ron was the Daddy they all wished they’d had.

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If Ronald Reagan were to come back from the dead, he’d be a 104 year old man with Alzheimer’s disease. Why does Robertson wish to see this?

“I wish Reagan would rise from the dead and come back,” Robertson said.

Next week on The Walking Dead- The Governor returns…

…or a Socialist Liberal Democrat.

Hey Pat

Why don’t you go ahead and check Reagan’s current accomodations ?

Call when you get back.

It is only right he come back from the dead since most of us thought he was dead while he was president.

Maybe insane, maybe just hateful, or maybe a little of both, but yeah.

Remember how all of these guys were dissing the Fed for keeping interest rates down, warning of hyperinflation and economic collapse and all that jazz? Well, now that the Fed is making tiny little hints that at some point it probably will raise interest rates by just a hair because the economy is taking off and they don’t want it to heat up too fast, Pat Robertson was on TV last week denouncing the Fed for raising the possibility of raising interest rates, saying, “This is not what you do when the economy is growing!” (I guess it’s only what you do when the economy is tanking???), and they were going ti kill growth and cause economic collapse and all that jazz.

It all boils down to: if Obama or the Democrats or the federal government are for it, we’re agin’ it!
