Discussion: Pat Robertson: 'I Wish Reagan Would Rise From The Dead'

Discussion for article #234599



Reagan rises from the dead, feasts on Pat Robertson’s brain, gets food poisoning, and is dead again within a week. Good times.


If Reagan rose from the dead he’d probably take a look at his party and register as a Democrat.


These people are insane. They prove that every day.

Zombie Reagan would still have the two-term Constitutional limit preventing his candidacy for President. But then again, if Zombie Reagan shows up, all bets are off.


When the Marine barracks in Lebanon was bombed, Reagan ordered the remaining Marines home. Reagan cut and ran. Is this the guy that Robertson thinks loved his country? Obama never cut and ran. Robertson may or may not be addled-brained enough to believe the crap that comes out of his mouth, but his listeners believe every word, and know next to nothing about anything. They are the GOP base.


Exactly. If you listed Reagan’s policies without identifying the man himself they would end up calling him a RINO now.


Gosh, Pat, you and so many others … get in line – oh, get a room, too! Have you molested his bible yet? – with or without the white gloves?

Ronald Wilson Reagan was a truly awful president. He was truly an opportunist, a traitor, a liar, a homophobe, a racist and pissed on the poor. Oh, and he hated a clean environment.


If Ronny “raised from…”, what "parts do you think he could play?

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Reagan should rise from the dead, and give amnesty to millions of illegal aliens. Just like he did when he was alive.

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Hands down, best Intertube of the day. A very special Feathered Beaded Bell Bottom award is on its way to you.

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He could now talk knowledgeably about AIDS since he’s met some victims in the Hereafter.

Why? So he could get trounced trying to win the GOP Presidential nomination?

Given his Alzheimer , Pat Robertson might want to reconsider that wish…

Ronald Reagan? if Pat Robertson had one resurrection wish to be granted - he would chose Reagan?
What a fool!


I think you give Ronny too much credit. He quit the Democratic Party because a Jewish man who was the head of his local union, he said “picked” on him. He was only a "yes/man(boy?)/actor for the Republican rich.


I’m surprised he did not try to pray him out of the grave like he used to pray away brain tumors on his show.

Actually Pat,that has been done already… and the Pharisees like you turned that into a cluster f*&k too.

Instead, we all should "wish Pat would join Ronny; soon; amen.


Alzheimer is the reason Robertson is making the wish in the first place.