Discussion for article #245369
Is that like the cheap swill you gulp down up there in Alaska?
Takes one to know one?
God damn you, John McCain, God damn you!
“Maybe he’s forgotten some of his heart in the heartland…”
But what you really need to get to is the heart of the heart of the heart of the heartland–that big juicy beef fed artery clogged hate spewing racist heart!
I don’t think I’ve ever once defended Steve King, but in light of this article( http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/sarah-palin-pac_us_56abe320e4b0010e80ea3017?utm_hp_ref=sarah-palin ), it’s pretty obvious who is telling the truth.
“Sarah Palin wondered Monday if Rep. Steve King (R-IA) had been ‘huffing ethanol’…”
Oh dear G-d.
Does this stupid woman not even know that ethanol is alcohol?
You don’t huff booze, you nanocephalic buffoon; you drink it!
Palin’s sticking to her roots - whippets and model glue.
That joke would be ever so much funnier if Palin and Trump weren’t by miles the biggest snake-oil peddling grifters the nation, hemisphere, or world has seen since time began.
Ahh on this snowy Monday TPM decides to go all click batey on us.
Any yes, it I was ensnared just like the rest of you. I’m so ashamed.
I’m pretty sure that her and her whole clan are intimately familiar with that. Or so I’ve heard.
To be fair, there’s really no telling what new and inventive ways her kids have found to get drunk and still beat a breathalyzer.
A class act indeed Ms. Sarah…you and the Donald are two grifters made for each other.
Her comment has the oddly specific knowledge
of an expert
Huffing ethanol wouldn’t do much. Drinking it would have a more direct effect.
Make America Grift Again
Do you know WHO I AM!!!11!1!one!!!
The white wine enemas are going to her head.
Of course Trump bought her support, don’t need to huff anything to realize that. I think Sarah is upset that King spoke the truth and so she let out his dirty secret, he’s secretly an ethanol huffer, which we all knew anyways but…