Gee, kind of like the ol’ Chinese water torture thingy.
May it drive you insane, Pinhead.
Undermine? There was no credibility to begin with! It’s Donald Freaking Trump in the WH. You know, the guy who has made a living ripping people off and constantly lying.
Usually a steady drip, drip, drip is indicative of a “social” disease, requiring a strong antibiotic.
Yep, Howdy Gowdy nailed it…
What credibility, Gowdy Doody?
The Trump maladministration has never had anything remotely resembling credibility.
Zippy the pinhead say what?
From the guy who dragged the BENGHAZI! hearings on and on and on and on long after it was known there was no there there
Just the guy to tell about credibility
Oh and BTW
Go fuck yourself
What fucking credability…is anyone on the wingers side paying attention the lies,daily prat falls and wholesale embarrassment this man is foisting on our citizens by Association? He is a dangerous laughing stock…
I was unaware that he had any credibility.
He’s moved from ardent supporter to a concern-troll. Baby steps.
Yeah, if Gowdy Doody calls this a nothingburger, it’s because he knows how to recognize one, after trying to flail one into life over, gee, how many years was it??
Could be some GOP congresscritters are beginning to realize that they got ripped off, too. Bigly.
Trump’s “creditability” to these people means “chances that I’ll get primaried by someone even more reactionary than I”
this drip, drip, drip
See Trey, reality is the key ingredient not fantasy…
AS I have said before—the GOP is in a classic lose/lose situation.
The more they cling to Trump and ignore his actions or apologize for them, the more they’re bound to go down with the ship—and the SS Trumptanic is taking on water at an alarming rate.
If they abandon ship, they’ll be scorched by the Trumper base, which will exact a punishment at the ballot box in the mid-terms.
Either way, the Republican party is going to be damaged goods for the foreseeable future.
When a Republican is losing Trey Gowdy, you know the end is near. I can only imagine this means they’re starting to see some peeling off of the base.
From what I read—sometimes between the lines—the moderates and independents are already gone, and only the rabid right-wing reactionary base remains loyal.
Elected Repubs are only just beginning to smell the coffee—or the covfefe—and will be the last ones to take to the lifeboats as the Trumptanic sinks below the waves.
Howdy Gowdy is Party First, nothing more, nothing less.
He is a Republican Representative paid for by the Koch
Yea, like Hiroshima survivors…
Speaking of amnesia, Gowdy has a damned difficult time remembering to shave.
WTF Trey, you think you’re auditioning for an Abercrombie & Fitch underwear ad? You’re a Congressman, buy a damned razor.
And if anyone knows from drips, it’s Gowdy.