It’s a genetic thing with Howdy Gowdy,. That and his untimely deliverance from a Appalachian childhood…
Trey - come out of the darkness and into the light. Start a Benghazi style investigation of Trump-Russia. Put Kushner on Tv for 11 hours. Can’t figure out what to do? Call Bob Inglis the real Congressman who preceded you.
I don’t care what you think of this pinhead GOP politico, the message is what counts. Mr. Benghazi was forced to choke out a few Trump damning sentences of something approaching truth on FOX.
Pause and reflect on this.
Speaking of leaky, drip-drip-drip tents, Ringling Brothers is folding its big tops for the last time. I always enjoyed the circus, but not the on-going Trump circus. Spicy, the Huckster and Conway wrestle with the media in one ring while saying absolutely nothing that’s true or meaningful. And in the other side ring, the GOP Congressional stars exit the clown car for their photo ops, trying to distract us from our newly elected crime family in the center ring. All the while, the GOP tries to pretend everything is normal. All we need do is ignore the media. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN!!! Next up - A hungry Russian bear wrestling Don-the-Con, Tweety-Bird-Trump, the new American Ring Master – the one with a really big brain. This should go well, don’t you think?
“The third, which is more of a medical issue, is the amnesia of people that are in the Trump orbit…”
LOL. Okay, credit where credit is due – that’s a pretty good line there from Gowdy Doody.
And by the way, since the reference to “amnesia” is obviously meant as a joke, not an actual explanation for their shifting stories and conveniently incomplete disclosures, what he’s actually saying is that they’re all a bunch of liars.
Given who this is coming from, I assign zero points for sincerity. But it does show that the rats-fleeing-the-sinking-ship dynamic is now officially in effect. At least for now. If things settle down a little, Gowdy Doody will be back to carrying water for the Trumpsters, just like the rest of the supine, invertebrate GOP Congress.
Drip my ass. We are looking at Niagara falls. Amazing how those who railed on Socialism now support Communism. Oy.
“And here we have this meeting that may amount to nothing…"
And if anybody knows about nothing, it’s Rep. Gowdy. How much time and effort did he expend investigating Benghazi again? I guess that was OK, because the target was not a Republican. The hypocrisy is stunning.
I’ve long felt that congressional republicans would drop Trump when they feel that he’s no longer useful in pushing their agenda or poses too much of a threat to their continuing power, or both. Taken in that context, this kind of statement from a main line right-wing loyalist made on Fox is not promising for Trump.
It warms my heart to hear someone with zero credibility (Trey Gowdy) talk about how something so incredible (Cockholster and the GOP turning our government over to Russia) is undermining something with zero credibility (the Drumpf admenstruation). There just something so quaint about it.
Yep. This was the drip that practically drowned in his own flop sweat during the 11-hour Benghazi kangaroo court which yielded nothing. Just think about it, dopey. Maybe you were wrong about everything.