There’s a real twofer for ya - taking down the Trump administration and the NRA!
That is one of the paltriest defenses I’ve ever read. I suppose they needed all five days to carefully tailor such a meek response.
@jeffrey ETTD.
Seriously. Five days should have given them ample time to compile a much longer list of agencies that haven’t contacted them about anything related to Russia.
5 Days.
FIVE fucking days to say… ?
"the NRA was probing "
Please get your alphabet soup correct.
Well, they were awfully busy opposing Jade Helm.
Sure does sound like they’ve got the NRA dead to rights, so to speak.
What are they, gun-shy?
Only question now is whether the NRA will stay silent longer than they typically do after a gun massacre. Weird how they’re using the same playbook, no?
The Bowling Green Massacre is keeping them super-busy.
“We (as in the royal we, me, personally, Steven Hart) have not been contacted by the FBI about anything related to Russia,” Steven Hart, an outside lawyer for the NRA, told McClatchy…(because, of course, Steven Hart is an outside lawyer who the FBI would not have known to contact). “Whether any actual NRA executives or officials were contacted by the FBI, I, Steven Hart, who has been retained as a spokesman for the NRA, will not say.”
Can a subpoena force the NRA to disclose the donors to its super-PAC? I’m willing to bet there’s lots of interesting information in there.
“probing wither”
Absolutely! One is as despicable as the other.
“We have not been contacted by the FBI about anything related to Russia,” Steven Hart, an outside lawyer for the NRA, told McClatchy in a statement.
He continued, “Our thoughts and prayers go out to the GOP casualties of this criminal Russian tragedy.”
“Now is a time for mourning the soon-to-be-politically-dead, and the Congressional walking wounded.”
“It’s just too soon to debate policy in the wake of this pending investigation and horrific Republican massacre.”
I’m prefacing this with “I know, I know, I know,” but isn’t it strange that a foreigner is interested in giving money to an organization who says their sole objective is to protect an amendment of our constitution? Does the Russian Oligarch with a gun fetish have a house here? How much time does he spend in the good ole U. S, of A and at the gun range? How does a foreigner buy a piece in the good ole U.S. of A.?
Well, you don’t expect the NRA to shoot from the hip, do you?
Putin’s global Nazi plan is in full speed ahead with the Trump regime in power after being stopped dead in its tracks during Obama’s Presidency. Trump is even laundering the dirty Russian mob money for Putin and his klan of Oligarchs. The Koch brothers have also been very useful to Putin’s need for cash with his fortune frozen in Panama.
They had to coordinate their response with all of their Russian donors, and got all tangled up because of the date line/time zone thingy. They got responses from the Russians with tomorrows date on them, and they couldn’t comprehend how that could happen.