Discussion for article #234828
O’Reilly: None of this matters because my ratings are up!
Bill O’Reilly didn’t lie. Want proof, look at his ratings. His viewers think he is great.
“I carried my own camera,” responded Mr. O’Reilly. “And microphone. And I did all my own editing. And I broke a 100-meter dash record. And I rescued a cat from a tree. And I also sabotaged the Nazis’ cars, allowing the Von Trapps to get away.”
I’m sure he’ll resign in disgrace any minute now. Any minute now. Any…minute…now.
FOX NEWS: Where the truth goes to die.
AND trustworthy!
O’Reilly and many FOX “people” claim their ratings justify their claims of creditability and accuracy. Now, if you’re saying because a LOT people view you, that your communications are information you should live by, then pornography should be determining a lot more of people’s lives than it does. Where are those pizza delivery guys/gals when you need them?
Actually brutally murdered.
Well of course the cameraman doesn’t remember falling and hitting his head–because he fell and hit his head!
Jeez people, cut a fair and balanced guy a little slack! He reported, and his viewers decided. Now, would you bend over and pick up that falafel, please?
The chickens are finally coming home to roost in Billo’s barnyard.
And the Sun?? How’d THAT get there??
Billo sez:
“Jeebers these liberul media types always screwing up my hero fantasies”
Books by Jim Bishop:
The Day Christ Died (1957)
The Day Lincoln Was Shot (1955)
The Day Kennedy Was Shot (1968)
Books by Bill Orally:
Killing Jesus
Killing Lincoln
Killing Kennedy
Coincidence? I think not.
shorter O’Reilly: millions believe my lies so that makes them true.
The people now shouting down O’Reilly’s BS reminds me of Bill Cosby’s detractors: Once a few come out they all pile on. Of course it won’t matter because O’Reilly is the head mouthpiece for a cult, but still.
and if you believe that he actually wrote a word of any of those books, I have a Social Security privatization scheme I’d like to sell you.
Don’t count. It DONT COUNT!!!
One of them furrin’ Messicun soundin’ names for that cameraman.
Can “Killing David Corn” be far off?
So Bill O’Reilly is a liar. How is this news?