Discussion: O'Reilly:

Much less put their own asses or their own kids in harm’s way. That’s for poor black or brown kids, and some dim-bulb southern talibangelical crackers.

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Wasn’t the withdrawal of US forces negotiated by Bush?


…and TPM is quoting this recently exposed serial liar with an entertainment program posturing as news instead of burying him with ignominy because…what?!


There were a lot of false rationales presented for going into Iraq. Somehow once we were there, victory required that we stay there as an occupation force forever, or at least until the oil ran out.

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Take THAT libtard.


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Once again it is no coincidence that the GOPers come out with a lie and immediately begin to repeat it. Again and again. In a concerted effort. This will now be the GOP meme on the Sunday talk shows this week. Because they know if they repeat any lie over and over again, the media will take it as just presenting an opposing point of view, facts be damned. And the 1-percent media loves to be spoon fed lies from the GOP, especially ones against the President.


Victory? The Cheney/Dubya invasion and occupation of Iraq was a complete failure (except for the war profiteers) from day one. O’Reilly and the rest of the buffoons at Fauxnews serve up a steaming pile of bullshit on a daily basis, and the mindless fucks who make up their viewership wolf it down.

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…an attempt to divert attention from his life-long self aggrandizement

You mean the Shock and …AWWWW Dammit! Campaign?

Let me see if i Have this right. George the Lesser signed the agreement to withdraw forces. He then suggested some remain provided a new status of forces agreement was forthcoming. This was needed to prohibit any Iraqi court trying an American soldier for anything which would be totally unacceptable to the American public. The Iraqis said no. As the end of the original agreement came near the subject was again broached by the Obama administration and the Iraqis again said no. Not surprising since the major backers of the Shia dominated government such as the Imam Muqtada al Sadr were totally opposed to American troops remaining. When this was pointed out in response to a criticism from Romney during the campaign, his reply was that Obama should have tried harder. I guess Romney would have sent top notch negotiator Donald Trump. Funny, the government he put in power wouldn’t do this for GW Bush, but according to O’Reilly it’s Obama’s fault they wouldn’t do it for him.


YES!!! Our troops definitely should have stayed to police their civil war. With the added benefit of no immunity from prosecution.

That would have been awesome.

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Why was there an “Iraq War” in the first place, Billiekins?

A good portion of his listeners probably think he is talking about the Korean War Police Action

Cute how for O’Reilly Iraq started with “the surge” and not the Bush manufactured intelligence that got us involved in a war of choice that had no bearing on our safety. Sort of like how the republicans and former Bush administration officials claim there were no terrorist attacks on US soil during his presidency. It totally works if you allow them to set the timeframe to ignore 911.

But then again, what do I know. OReilly was likely on the ground in Iraq for the victory.

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yes but in the GOP there are walking upright and talking BS

O’Reilly then launched into his history of the Iraq war, starting with the surge in 2007.

The preceding 4 years of military effort there and the thousands of dead soldiers (and enormous number of dead and displaced civilians) don’t count, because the Dixie Chicks messed it up.

“When it ended, Iraq was a fairly stable situation,” O’Reilly said. “Subsequently the Iraqi government totally blew it, persecuting the Sunni minority, leading to chaos and corruption.”…" it was a victory until President Obama mucked it up".

One of those chaotic, corrupt victories.

President Bush signed the agreement to withdraw all US forces from Iraq by the end of December 2011. Obama fulfilled that agreement. To do otherwise would be an act of war against Iraq and a really good way to tell the rest of the world that agreements with the US are meaningless.

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I have mixed feelings about the 1% Media (AKA MSM).

On the one hand, one should keep up with what they say.

On the other hand one should know the purpose of the “information”

For me, the principle of “directionality” applies…namely, whatever the MSM says in some way facilitates profits going to people in upper classes (there are about 4-5 of them, with the top two being so obscenely wealthy that most Americans would faint if they knew the proportionality of the riches.)****

**** I’ll try, proportionally, to describe the difference (using the size of a male’s body)…

Poor… a man the size of a matchbox
Marginal… a man 3 feet tall
Median… a man 4’1" tall
Mean… a man 5’10" tall
Upper Middle… a man 10 feet tall
Modestly rich… a man 25 feet tall
Super-rich(1)… a man 75 feet tall
Super-rich(2)… a man 200 feet tall
Top rich(1)… a man 1000 feet tall
Top rich(2)…a man 5000 feet tall

The last four categories are in the fractions of 1% of the population (the people whom the GOP is sworn to uphold)

How in Heaven’s name can a person the size of a mountain be concerned with someone the size of a matchbox?

Or, for that matter, someone 5’10"? Whether he is a Republican voter or not?

Oreilly, managing to ignore some more important issues like his dishonesty that applies to any of his claims.
Iraq wouldn’t have been a war that needed winning or a war that needed a surge if his ex-hero Dummy Bush hadn’t gone in, guns a blazing. Bush was supposed to be hunting down the guy that he allowed to blow up (literally) our financial sector, not creeping over to oil central, Iraq, then killing the wrong guy because his Daddy had issues with him and because he had Daddy issues.
There is a cavernous crack between being greeted as liberators and slinking away as the initiators of Middle eastern chaos.

No one with brains will ever forget what Bush did and created and no one with any integrity will ever pretend that Oreilly or his accomplice, Faux entertainment, has any credibility whatsoever.

It would have done no good. Dumbya was going to prove to the world that he is smarter than his daddy.

All he proved was that he is a stupid idiot.

Earth to Billo. . . There was NO victory in Iraq.