Discussion: O'Reilly:

Well it’s pretty obvious that some people never learn from their experiences … you’d think that after the last couple of weeks Loofah Bill O’ would be a little more circumspect in releasing his rather flawed views of history (and reality) to the world … but obviously the man’s ego does not allow for such liberties.

Question: If the Iraq War was such a great “victory”, why would we have needed to leave 10K troops there, presumably indefinitely? Do we have 10K troops stationed in any former war zone anywhere in the world (this is totally ignoring the fact that the Iraq War wasn’t even a necessary war in the first place and that the removal of Saddam and destruction of the country’s infrastructure was the main contributor to the rise of ISIS)?

That will the new narrative for the history handicapped FOX news viewers. Republicans won a great, and just war, and the Democrats lost the peace, and W was an excellent president. LOL!

He finally did but it didn’t come until after the 2006 midterms. Rummy was out a day or so later.

The 2006 U.S. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence was a bi-partisan committee, majority R’s. It compared pre war Iraq assessments to post war ones and found the following:

“Postwar findings indicate that Saddam Hussein was distrustful of al-Q’aida and viewed Islamic extremists as a threat to his regime, refusing all requests from al-Q’aida to provide material or operational support.” For this reason, Iraq did not open an embassy in Afghanistan when the Taliban came to power. When the Iraqi regime started to see evidence that extremist Wahabists had come to Iraq, it issued a decree aggressively outlawing Wahabism and threatening offenders with execution.

Hussein was a ruthless dictator, but a secular one who would not have tolerated ISIL within his borders, nor a nuke weaponized Iran to the south.

Bush should have listened to his dad and considered the unintended consequences of spending blood and treasure to make it easier for real enemies like anti-American value extremists and a nuke weaponized Iran to thrive.

O’Reilly should stick to his war zone pics to fabricate shit, and leave it to Cheney to rewrite history.


aaaand the Goebbels office of Propaganda (FOX News) begins the “Rewriting of History” in an attempt to help Jeb Bush win the Presidency in 2016 (that IS what this is all about.)

I notice he conveniently leaves out the fact that Bush negotiated the Status of Forces agreement that provided for the US to exit the country. I wonder why.

This sort of behavior isn’t good for anyone’s health, not even BillO’s, IMO he’ll blow up before the next election

dum da dum da dum ( cranking handle) dum da dum da dum.
“POP” Goes the Weasel
Need pic when that happens

according to this nut bag, you and I should continue to pay for the existence of the middle east as long as we live. our kids can eat shit for lunch as long as we have bombs to drop on this sand hole and concrete to rebuild it.

Not sure what to think of all this , therefore I must check with CNN so they can tell me what to think !