In their minds, the rightwingers think they’re the “Klingons,” but they’re really more like the “Ferengi.”
We were are– always winning the War In East-Iraq-sia!
Ol’ Billo ran the Iraq war. Didn’t you know that? He was “there” for every gunshot, American death, and the “surge” was totally his idea. And he spent 13 years dodging bullets 'n bombs. Himself. With no help, stranded in the desert. Bleeding from multiple flesh wounds.
There are asshats and then there are assholes. Billo is the latter.
Cheney is saying the same thing as Bill in his new Playboy interview.
Not wrong assumptions-- as much as calculated lies–
to recapitalize the MIC and their own personal portfolios.
Thanks - that was interesting. It also illustrates a downside to adopting for a country to adopt this rationale:
¨The Allied policy of unconditional surrender was devised in 1943 in part to avoid a repetition of the stab-in-the-back theme. According to historian John Wheeler-Bennett, speaking from the British perspective,
It was necessary for the Nazi régime and/or the German Generals to surrender unconditionally in order to bring home to the German people that they had lost the War of themselves; so that their defeat should not be attributed to a “stab in the back”.¨
Bill O’Reilly does his listeners a disservice.
Yikes! Bill O’s got a lot of assholes!
Talk about revisionist history.
There was never going to be any Iraq War “victory”. That was obvious from the second the first shot was fired. Those of us on the reality-based side of American politics knew this from the get-go, but people like O’Reilly spent the entire Bush administration shouting us all down and served as one of the lead cheerleaders for it. Now he’s blaming Obama (what else is new) for doing what a majority of Americans and the Iraqi government wanted us to do? “Victory” in Iraq was, and always will have been a fantasy. Unless you call perpetual occupation and a steady stream of American flag draped coffins heading home a “victory”.
I think this is O’Reilly’s response to the joke the President made at O’Reilly’s expense at the Gridiron Club Dinner.
This from the coward that didn’t have the balls to fight when his turn came.
Yes, but who can reach the big imbecile Bill-O?
You’ve gotta give him credit BTW for “Iraq victory.” Not even little idiot son W. is that deranged.
Its as if theyre running against Obama in 2016 and NOT the democratic party. It wasnt obama who put Maliki in power.
Only in billos world!
And how does anyone know that the film of the looters stealing ancient artifacts from museums wasn’t on a loop playing again and again.
Just like Nixon messed up the victory in the fuckin’ 'nam.
This president was the one who went to greet flag draped coffins as they arrived at an air force base. The liar who started it never did, and his mother didn’t want to disturb her beautiful mind by thinking about it…
His listeners come away feeling they’ve been enlightened and let in on his government strategy that they can’t find anywhere else.
Bill-O witnessed the entire Iraq war personally. On TV.
And Billo knows. He was there.
I mean he saw pictures.
With his falafel.