Discussion: Oops! Trump Cites Video Debunking 9/11 Cheering Claim As Proof That He Was Right

Discussion for article #243309

Obviously Black Lives Matter representatives are pressuring Sliwa and MTV to change their stories.



TPM says Oops! Trump won’t.


So the best evidence that Trump and other haters have is this one woman who now contradicts the unsubstantiated claims she made 14 years ago. And even then she said it was around a dozen kids.


Trump: See–you’re wrong about criticizing me for saying something that many, many people agree did not happen in the way that you said I was wrong in denying, as most people–really smart people, thousands of them-- all agree was not that way at all. Got it? I win again!


Of course there were some Muslims cheering 911. I am sure some Christians are cheering the recent terrorist attacks in Colorado. In both cases it is appropriate to ask religious leaders to step in and remind the flock what it is to be moral. In the case of 911, most Muslim leaders came out with a visceral, negative reaction very quickly.

Donald is not trying to address the very real issue of extremist Islam. He is trying to anger people. Rational people know their opponents sometimes celebrate unseemly things. Rational people don’t use that to make crazy people angry.


Trump is showing the Nixon-like sweaty upper lip… not good Donnie, not good.


There is no video of thousands of Muslims cheering in Jersey when the tower fell, but there is video of members of the GOP smiling while Benghazi burned.



He needs to let this go instead of–where are we at with it now–quadrupling down.

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we do know for a fact, however, that quite a few conservative Christians have cheered and are still cheering for the terrorist attack in Colorado Springs. We can make a database of them and track them now, right? Ban Christian refugees from entering the country?


Bank-------the only word that penetrated Donnie’s hair.

I hear Fox News’s website was flooded with hero worshiping comments that day. Comments from anti-choice whacks. Even if those whacks consider themselves to be Christians, though, sane Christian would denounce them as not real Christians, and sane people wouldn’t generalize those whackjobs’ hateful attitudes to the entire Christian population and say Christianity is an “inherently violent religion,” unlike that Republican candidate.

Like you said – we gotta denounce terrorists, extremists and demagogues, no matter what religion they claim they are affiliated with.


just behaving like teenagers

Teenagers will get off the hook if this becomes Donald feuding with Donald and it will be back on the preschoolers…

and now! for something completely OT


Well…so many people scoffed also/too when I reported that Bigfoot and Elvis were seen riding on the back of the Loch Ness monster! …And now I have received the actual video evidence.


Good job Wilma Ballsdrop. So naysayers, please send your apologies to @realDumbChump!


He can’t stop. Obsessive. Compulsive. He’s a bad guy not because of his OCD but because it is obviously untreated and he is in water way too deep for him. He is best suited for the make-believe world of luxury hotels and gambling casinos. People go there, experience something akin to pleasure, and if they are lucky, they go back to their normal lives.

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A dozen kids equals thousands and thousands of tailgating Muslims. When is he going to throw in the towel?


Going from thousands and thousands of celebrating muslims to a few jr. high kids goofing off because they got out of school early is typical right wing extremism.

Thousands of celebrating muslims who never made it on the 24/7 news in 2001 tells anyone with a brain Trump is lying. OR it shows how corrupt the Bush/Cheney regime was in using propaganda and controlling the media.

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       A dozen kids equals thousands and thousands of tailgating Muslims.   When is he going to throw in the towel?

He never will! Trump is a near psychopathic egoist and seems absolutely incapable of admitting error of any kind on his part…even in the face of absolute proof to the contrary. He has lived his life in a Trump Echo Chamber and surrounded by toadies and “Yes!” men who reaffirm his infallibility. The Pope knows he’s not infallible; Trump does not.



The reason we know it didn’t happen is because there was no race riot in which innocent and guilty Arab-Americans alike were hanged from street lights while their neighborhood burned on 9/11 or 9/12. Period. End of story.

I find myself utterly perplexed that I seem to be the only person in America with any recollection of the emotional state of most everyone in the country at the time.