It doesn’t get any richer than the Toadglans DOJ suing anyone for violating ethics laws.
I don’t have much sympathy for Omarosa, but this feels like petty vengeance.
I’m sure she isn’t the first to fail and she won’t be the last to fail, but she has managed to piss off the big guy, so she’s probably being targeted. Wonder if she can prove it?
Of course, she probably believes she’s above the law too, so there’s that.
ETA: Remember when she told all of us we would bow down to Trump? I guess she forgot to.
The weaponization of the DOJ continues.
Wonder when they’ll announce the charges against Hillary?
Dare I say this appears to be selective prosecution by the DoJ, and is in and of itself unethical? Who has standing to sue them?
Would certainly love to see the data on just how often the DOJ pursues an ex-employee for failure to file a financial disclosure after they’ve already left government.
Somehow I doubt that there are many cases.
“White House officials had no idea what her job was…”
Kinda like Trump.
And now Barr is meting out Trump’s vengeance…
ETA: Because let’s face it…on a scale of 1 to 10 for importance, this administration considers financial statements to be a -11.
Yes, it’s got Chiselin’ Trump written all over it.
They gonna sue KAC for violation of the Hatch Act? I’m not holding my breath.
Why bother with charges when they’ve already predetermined the sentence? Just skip straight to the “lock her up” part.
Sacrificial goat. Pour encourager les autres. First time she’s been useful to this white house.
Well, let’s be somewhat fair here - there is a rule and she flagrantly ignored it after several reminders. I agree that it seems odd that no one else has been sued, but they should be. The issue here is the imbalance of who’s been sued and who’s been able to flip the bird.
Using the federal justice system as a weapon against perceived enemies. I continue to respect Nancy’s acumen and her caution about peaking too soon and reelecting the SOB but this is an abuse of power and something we feared was coming as a long next step toward full-on autocracy.
Not until she quits and writes a book.
If this happened a few short months ago, it would have been this meathead meating out Chiselin’ Trump’s vengeance:
This is what it looks like when the President-for-Life of some banana republic harnesses the machinery of government to settle his own personal scores.
The Founders vomit in their graves.
I wonder if this is Barr’s way of letting Empty Dumpty know that he will go after some of his enemies, just like he wants Barr to do.