Discussion: Omarosa: 'Every Critic, Every Detractor, Will Have To Bow Down To Prez Trump' (VIDEO)

Omarosa is working hard for the Ann Coulter of Color niche on the Rightard GOP list. Still, she must really step up her game of verbal bomb throwing and incendiary horseshit commentary if she’s to have a chance. Good effort here, however.

Memo to Omarosa: Bowing and curtseying is only done for royalty. And
opinion is divided among etiquette experts as to whether Americans
should ever bow. Miss Manners has said
“no bowing allowed,” adding that while we believe that all human beings
are worthy of respect, "we do not believe that any one of them is born
at a higher level than the rest of us.” Emily Post has said it’s okay to bow to indicate respect.
… Tweet email BY Joe Dziemianowicz (New York Daily Mail)



I hope they include a segment reminding everyone that we ALL HATED OMAROSA. She was a big part of the reason people watched The Apprentice – she was absolutely awful which made for good “reality” TV. She’s obviously still nuts. This should appear below her: “Omarosa Manigault, Reality TV Reprobate”

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And yet, the military seem to be his strongest supporters. I haven’t yet found anyone on active duty or inactive that isn’t supporting Trump to the hilt and think he would be the best Pres ever.

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That strikes me as a well-worn line from a bad episode of some tv series, Gillian’s island or the time machine, just before our heroes turn the tables and rescue the day.

So wait, her point (and that of the Frontline piece) is that after weeks of Trump’s racist attacks on Obama, his feelings were hurt when Obama made fun of him for it? Fk her, and fk Trump. This is pathetic. TRUMP STARTED IT. Why did Frontline treat this crap seriously?


Trump has a hole inside that can never be filled.


Omarosa dreams of Trump’s inauguration day as president…and she envisions the man introducing her true Lord & Savior, Donald Trump:


Seriously, what the hell is this? A Trump campaign commercial? Omarosa says “Oooh, Obama started something” – when it was TRUMP WHO STARTED IT WITH HIS DAILY RACIST ATTACKS ON OBAMA. This is all just a big fat lie, a Trump-friendly narrative. Omarosa, Roger Stone, these other sh*theads saying “Poor Donald, he was humiliated, that forced him to run for president to get his revenge.” Again: HE STARTED IT WITH HIS RACIST ATTACKS. I hope this special includes some commentary from normal people too. Wow, just pathetic.


Someone’s been binge watching “Game of Thrones”! Well, you missed some good parts. ____ You’re going to have to look beyond that ‘wall’ your Hair Furor has built around his campaign. The American public will, in the end, not buy your laughable snake oil:


Aaaaand here’s your next Pro-Hillary campaign ad.

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I’m with you on that bro, but just maybe Josh is running this because of all the Gary Johnson bloodletting on the Left. Maybe Josh is trying to wake people up to combat the greatest crisis that this country has ever faced. Both the Civil War and WWII were “rescuable” from the standpoint of possibility of succor from a greater force. Who the fuck is going to “rescue” the U.S.from President Trump? Especially with race relations back to 1910 levels?

Why the animus against Johnson (and the votes he is taking away from Hill)?

Libertarians are the death of the Democratic Party. A good many of the original OCCUPY people were Libertarians. At least those I was around. They are the ultimate shape shifters. They get the hillbillies who have an orgasm when Ron Paul sez, “If a man is dying on the street, let 'im die. He should have taken care of his own needs.”

They also get the kids (who have never grown up in countries–the ones I have spent most of my adult life in–in which the benefits they take for granted are simply not there) who are okay with Libertarians who also would let you mainline the White Horse til you O.D…long as you stay out of my face. Oh…and “war”?? We ain’t for it. “What are foreign obligations other than a hassle”…

PS A post-script for littlegirlblue, who, as usual, is spot on. Nate is full of ESPN shit. He wants $$$$$$ and, although his data is useful, his attitude about Trump and the GOP is the same attitude I would have with Dwight Eisenhower. He is old enough to know better. The reason that I am keen on narratives, especially with kids, is that I believe that the GOP-ers are, by nature, far more disposed to fighting than Democratic folks. An 89-11 pro-Hillary polling will get them just as charged up as an 11-89 one. Dems have to balance between being over-confident and doomsday (when the apathy sets in).

Maybe that’s why the gent who wrote Forrest Gump (Winston Groom) wrote the excellent and readable book, “1942”…in which the Greatest Generation acted completely different than the spoon-fed, sheeplike consumers of the MSM


Translation: “The fools! They all laughed at me … but I’ll show them. I’LL SHOW THEM ALL! MWA HA HA HA HAAAAA!”


Just a grifter.

Hmmm…If we must bow down to the puppet, just imagine our fate in the hands of the puppet master. Ooooo! ~shudder!~


(*Loved Dan Savage’s response to AwfulRosa’: “I’d like to bow down to Trump just to sucker punch him in the nuts. I’d only need a few days to practice at hitting tiny targets.”


This has been my pet theory about Trump’s motivations for running since the day he announced. The day he rode down that escalator, I turned to my wife and said, “this is all about Obama and that press dinner.” Over the years, my friends laughed at me and accused me of indulging in conspiracy theories.

My wife called me today after seeing this article and said she had chills. Trump must NEVER be president. He is a nihilist, just like me. I know him. I hate that. The difference is I have worked my entire life to change and be better. This has often kept real success (in my professional life) out of my reach. I am aware of how successful one can be if they have no shame. He is a dark shadow of the most corrupted version of my imagination. I lose sleep thinking what he’d do to this country and the world.


This keeps getting better and better.

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My wife’s mantra is that one is shaped by their own experiences. For a kid 18-30 to be casual about Trump points to the best indicator of a profound cultural gap and generation gap, because, even among the most ardent under 30 Hillary supporters, there is simply no personal experience to enable one to grasp the evil of Trump.

On a Bill Maher show last week, a very smart young lady was on his show who said all the right things about fighting for Hillary. I saw no fear on her face about Trump, even though Trump would harm HER world more than mine (I am 68 and am content with my life and its trajectory–a trajectory which will damage HERS more than mine).


All signs point to a Hillary victory, but complaceny and hubris can be fatal.

The Japanese have a word for this, “Senshoubyou” Victory Disease. We should also remember that the GOP are playing for a Defensive Victory, whereby they concede the Hillary win, but she has few coattails and thus is denied control of the House and the Senate. At this point, they just might get what they want. Of course, should the GOP win the White House, Senate and the House, the DNC might want to change its name to Senshoubyou National Committee.



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It’s just like the founders always imagined, it’ll be a republic if you can keep it.

With Trump at the helm it’ll just be a joke (not a very funny one).