Discussion: O'Malley Calls GOP Ideas On Inequality 'Patently Bullshit'—And Fundraises Off It

Discussion for article #235478

I want to see him call out the GOP heavily. How about “If tax cuts generate jobs, why does Louisiana and Mississippi have such abysmal employment records?”


You forgot Kansas.


True. And the Democrats should be using them as BIG examples of the “utopia” the GOP wants…this is your “Shining City on the Hill” folks…a state so bankrupt they can’t even repair the roads and have to shutter their schools early.


The Democratic Party really needs a real primary in order to winnow the idiots out of the winner’s campaign and generate a second pool of talent for the winner to poach. Hillary really needs a real primary, both to winnow the idiots and because it will give the asshats something to do besides sniff sheets and try to find new and more creative ways to cast innocent conduct in a sinister light. And whatever you think of his chances of winning it’s for sure that O’Malley can’t win without a real primary.

Somebody give the man some damn money and let’s get on with it.


Good for him. I still support Hillary 100 percent, but he is trying. I just can’t get over Maryland having a republican governor, and why did that happen. One of my sons live in Maryland and think that Brown did not get enough support from O’Malley when campaigning. Maybe O’Malley did campaign hard and it is what it is. I don’t know. I just can’t get past it.


Let O’Malley destroy all of the Republican talking points and their faith-based economics, all of which have no basis in reality, whatsoever. The more O’Malley talks and forces Republicans to substantiate their failures as leaders in economics and social justice, the less time they’ll have in attacking Hillary, and she’ll be all the better for it. O’Malley is the Democratic attack dog this election cycle. Let him bite the legs off of the entire Republican platform. He’s well versed. He has credibility. He can stand behind his words. He is smart. He is actually smart enough to be POTUS, but that’s not remotely possible this time around, so let him play his role in taking down the Republican wannabes. He’s demonstrating a very good ability to do just that. I like what i see from him.


I like it. Anybody but Warren! If you spend any time actually listening to her you realize that what she is doing is probably more important than running for president. She’s pushing a gigantic boulder up hill and her enemies love all the talk about how she stacks up against Hillary. They want to peg her as a loser. This guy actually wants to run! And he’s not a stealth conservadem!

I realize this is not a Warren thread, but you should watch this.


I don’t think calling out bullshit qualifies as “cursing”. Bullshit is bullshit.


I don’t understand why it’s not remotely possible. Yes, I understand that, unlike the GOP, the Democratic Party doesn’t have a bunch of obscenly wealthy billionaires who’ll throw money at the worst idiot willing to pander to the worst of the GOP base.

I’d really like O’Malley to get more air time from the media so people knew about him. Right now, it appears as though a lot of America has no idea who he even is.


I think there are going to be a lot of Democrats that are in the “I’m thinking about it” column. None of them want to set up campaigns, PACs and 501©s that are going to take money from HRC and Dems running to take back the Senate. However, it’s a good way to get some press and position yourself as a VP candidate or a potential top tier 2024 candidate.


Sahil doesn’t have a very firm command of English.

I sent him some money because I honestly like the guy, From what I have seen of him, I am impressed. I would love to see him get in the race


Or much else

If the race were held today. he’d get my vote.

I also think this kind of refusal to sugar coat GOP - uh, bullsht* - will be appealing to a lot of voters.


He may be “unknown” to a lot of folks, but he is a very progressive governor and unimpressive track record. I like him a lot.

Agreed. It just ticks me off that the media’s focus on HRC is sucking all the oxygen out of the room. Despite what she may be thinking, HRC needs a primary. As others have said, she needs to prove herself via debates. She needs it and the country does as well.

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He is speaking third generation Irish colloquial speech. It Irish ebonics and there is a rich use of the F and C word and the T word but not with the same meaning as normal wasp working class might use it. However he is a bit prissy so without using these nice deep rich colorful vocabulary he will not garner Irish working class vote based on blood alone. If he got on stage and called Ted Cruz an asshole and whinny cunt he probably would jump 20% in the polls, bullshit probaly got him just recognized.

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Is that what you really meant to type?


Fuck yeah. I am so tired of this “one tactic” bullshit. People severely misread people in this country by doing that. There were ALWAYS different types of Democratic messaging.

The Democratic Party needs ALL HANDS.

Knuckle-sandwiches welcome, too.