Discussion: Oklahoma Rep. To Visiting Muslim Students: ‘Do You Beat Your Wife?’

I went to junior high and high school in Tulsa. A lot of petroleum-oriented businesses had their offices so there were probably a fair number of families who had lived in foreign countries as we had. I went to very good public schools there. Will Rogers HS had extensive art, music, theater programs.

My best friend and her family were Baptists but they were nothing like the “true-believers” today. Oral Roberts was getting his start as a radio preacher and we used to laugh at his sermons and his practice of encouraging listeners to contribute money. If they contributed enough they would receive a “prayer cloth” which they could drape over their radio and thus receive the power of his prayers directly.

I remember my date and I met with her and her date at her parent’s home the evening of our senior prom. Her Dad served us each a small glass of booze – don’t remember what it was – which was pretty darn liberal for a Baptist! Their kids all went to dances even though the Baptists frowned on dancing – at least with the opposite sex.

I think most of the smarter kids got out of Oklahoma after HS or after they graduated from college. Even the ones who went to college there. Once I went away to college I never went back, not even once. My parents moved to Florida so there was no reason to return. I had a nice 6 years there, had a few good friends, but I’ve never wanted to go back.

Probably small town Oklahoma hasn’t changed that much over the decades.


I’d respond by saying, “You mean like the Baptists?”. Bennett is a Baptist.

If I was a Muslim student, I would answer, “I don’t have time to beat my wife, Rep. Bennett. I’m much too busy fucking yours.”


Wrong color uniform …–

LOL! Like the old joke:
Q: How did the redneck find his sister in the cornfield?
A: Delightful!

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He had to. Neither Ralph Lauren nor Givenchy design Nazi Uniforms.

Do you beat Muslims?

This Rep. should ask trump if he has ever smacked Melania. There is good circumstantial evidence that he has.

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I got stopped by an OK trooper for doing 71 mph in a 70 mph zone … cost me a $15 fine and a night in he Enid city slammer. My mother happened to be with me. I was headed to Tucson for my sophomore year, Mom got pissed and called a lawyer back home in Ohio. Next day the cops plied me with eggs, hash browns ans multiple apologies, No more comments about long hair and “Let’s beautify America”. It was 1969 after all.
That did color my perception of Oklahoma since.


They should have said, “Mr Bennet, please tell us how much you hate your wife, and how much you hate your children, and how much you hate your father and mother.”


If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and
wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life
also, he cannot be my disciple.

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I have a question for you State Rep. John Bennett…when your little wife is in church praying to Jeebus, do you fuck sheep, you greasy little Bible thumping POS?

"MAGA–It works for everyone!"™

What a moron!

@oscarhomolka–“Rep. Bennett’s response: “Naaaa”!”

I see what you did there. :joy_cat:

@ eisenst–When ever I hear/read the term “World Class” I have a flashback to this:

@harbinger–Oklahoma=Kansas with even worse politics.

@ lochsabill—Caption: "5 gun accidents waiting to happen."


He’s never read the Quran. He’s read the Breitbart version of “The Koran for Racist, Christianist Dummies.” And the authors of that one never read the Quran either.


He’s got the vacant stare and the Nazi haircut going for him, but there must not be an IQ test for the Oklahoma legislature. A useless eater if ever there was one.

Have you stopped insulting Muslims?

This man looks like he has no IQ. Not low; none at all. The brain is apparently entirely devoted to breathing and digestive processing. The mouth moves, but no sentient speech is produced.