And the greatest irony, of course, is that White Christian Males are world-class models for spousal abuse. Frankly, it makes you want to know if this guy’s wife gets abused.
Of course, the worst of this isn’t that there’s one asshole in Oklahoma who does this, because God knows there are assholes everywhere. It’s that a majority of voters in his district think that this asshole represents them well enough to vote for him.
OT but important. The House Republicans voted to give away our public lands to the states. The Senate will be voting next.
Also, net neutrality is on the chopping block again.
Go to and find out about this and more as to the destruction the republicans are raining down on us.
“No? Then let me show you how.”
He needs a deeper bowl.
This conduct that should get him kicked out of his job. But nope! He’s a “leader”.
The representative needs to solve his own religion’s problems first. Oklahoma has the third highest rate in the nation of women who are murdered as the result of a domestic violence situation. 41% of all murders in the state are related to domestic violence situations. And very few of them are Muslims. Maybe he should be asking his Christian constituents “Do you beat (or murder) your wife?”
These fuckheads really need to get out of their states and live among the real American population. Their isolation breeds such ignorance.
I have a question for Mr. Bennett. The Bible states it is sinful to eat shellfish. Have you ever eaten shellfish? Are you a sinner?
Questions to ask a Christian: if your kid curses you, do you stone him to death? (Leviticus)
If your wife cheats on you, do you stone her to death, rather than shoot her? (Leviticus)
If you catch someone having sex with a foreigner (i. e. someone of another tribe) to you impale them both with a spear? (Exodus)
When you conquer an unfriendly village, do you kill everything in it, including the tame animals, the old people, and the infants? (Joshua)
And so on and so forth.
(My Biblical references may be somewhat off, as I have no time this Sunday AM to go rooting them out, but they are there.)
Just another Republican taking a page from the Little Donnie Trump
I think I would have been tempted to reply:
“No I don’t. Why, are you looking for tips?”
To: Washington Post
Re: Response to March 5 article on OK Rep John Bennett’s Muslim Questionnaire
Dear Washington Post,
In responding to the Post’s article on Oklahoma republican Rep. John Bennett’s questionnaire to Muslim students who tried to visit his offices, I would like to imagine the possibility of a similar, though Christian-oriented survey.
Among the nine questions Mr. Bennett’s office posed were “The Koran, the sunna of Mohammed, and Sharia Law… say that the husband can beat his wife. Do you beat your wife?” This, along with other, similar questions, was presumably meant to embarrass or demean those students because of their religion.
I might then imagine a similar questionnaire I’d take before seeing Mr. Bennett if I were to indicate that I was a Christian interested in an audience with him. Here are just a few of the questions that I may be asked:
- According to the Bible (Deuteronomy 21:18-21), “If a child disobeys his parents the men of his city shall stone him with stones, that he die.” Do you believe in a death penalty for disobedient children?
- According to the Bible in Exodus 21, verse 17, “He that curseth his father, or his mother, shall surely be put to death.” Do you believe that a sassy child deserves to die?
- In Hosea 13, God’s prophet predicts that “Samaria shall become desolate; for she hath rebelled against her God: they shall fall by the sword: their infants shall be dashed in pieces, and their women with child shall be ripped up.” Do you believe that rebellious pregnant women should have their children aborted, as God’s prophet has ordained?
I wonder how John Bennett’s constituents would react should a similar screening be administered to them?
Carver, MN
This is actually receiving some attention in OK as well.
The Rep. published a long and obtuse response, here
The correct question is “Do you STILL beat your wife”. This chucklehead can even be bothered to get his partisan attacks right.
That could explain that shitty haircut!
If an f5 hits his district, I’m rooting for the tornado.