This GOP AssHat (redundant, I know) should be chanting “We’re #4, We’re # 4!”
Yes it was High School students. How many did he think were already married?
No sense telling John boy that many of the Muslim immigrants came here to escape the frying pan of their theocracies … only to find themselves in the fire of his theocracy instead.
Well, it is Oklahoma. Most of them are already on their second marriage if / when they graduate from High School…
Bennett WISHES he lived under a law that allowed him to beat his wife for leaving the house without his permission. Jealous much, Johnny?
Good grief!! The first two entries on his FB page are about the Obamas being charged with treason. The one about President Obama is from some site called “American News” and is just crazy. This Bennett guy should be in a mental institution.
America’s right wing extremists are worse than the extremists in the middle east. This POS Republican from Oklahoma proves that in spades. Just another Trump wing nut spouting anger, bigotry, and lies.
Come on Oklahoma join the world community…throw your racist Republicans to the gutter and embrace equality as a human and civil virtue.
Since about 12,000 people turned out for the Women’s March in Ok City on the 21st, I think there’s hope.
So this asshat tried to humiliate high school students who are his constituents, and whom he is supposed to represent, by having them answer a ridiculously awful questionnaire, before he then slapped them down and refused to meet with them. Not that he ever had any intention of meeting with them, because actually meeting some Muslim school kids might have infringed on the absolute certainty of his racist, islamophobic, ignorant convictions.
Well, bless his heart. Oh, yeah, sorry. He doesn’t have one.
It sounds like Bennett is a “world class” tool!
Are you trying to give him ideas or make him jealous?
Rep Bennett, when was the last time you beat your wife?
Yeah, well that’s Oklahoma. It has been on a fast track to becoming a Teapublican dystopian shithole. I say let them run their stupid experiment to its horrible conclusion. They just better not come begging the rest of us to fix it for them when they do.
Let’s start with the WH…starting with 45 aka “Putin’s Puppet” and Bannon aka 45’s Rasputin.
“Have you stopped lying to your constituents?”
This guy needs to get killed in a fracking earthquake.
Just a reminder of who and what fuck nuts is.
In a correct interpretation Mohammed pushed against her chest – and action to ward off evil. He didn’t “strike” her. I doubt this person ever read the Koran. He obviously fished for bits that would confirm his beliefs. Much of the Koran is the recounting of the Old Testament.
Bennett is an “asshole” who is not even a “human being.”
Have you stopped wearing women’s clothing, Rep. Bennett?