The good Rep. must have gotten concussed in football. A lot.
“CANT REFUTE FACTS!” Bennett told the World. "According (to) her testimony in the Hadith (a collection of Muslim sayings and traditions), Muhammad physically struck his favorite wife for leaving the house without his permission.”
Sounds like what Ivana said The Donald did to her.
That he was not struck dead right then and there leads me to believe that gawd has exited this universe…
My husband was born and raised in a small town in Oklahoma and never hesitated to say so until the Reagan administration and rise of the right wingers, and now he won’t admit it to just anyone.
That’s not actually a serious question, is it??? I mean, he’s a Repuglican state rep.
Christian wife-beating is okay. Didn’t you know that?
What an incredibly nasty individual who obviously never read the bible himself. The violence to those that might have somehow offended god is extraordinary.
There will never be peace as long as religion is acceptable as facts. At least Santa brings us presents and doesn’t get people to brutalise us if we upset him or eternally send us to the fiery pits. We know for a FACT that there is as much evidence of Santas reality as gods so let’s get behind the big fella. Will be safer.
Students should ask this guy when the group-stoning of Donald Trump should begin because that is what the Old Testament strongly advises for adulterers. I want to be there and throw some nice sharp rocks.
Obviously he is a liberal pretending to be a bigot to make repugs look bad!!!
I grew up around Baptists, Southern Baptists, Pentecostals, Methodists and some Catholics. Southern Baptists and Pentecostals were well known for “the man runs the household, budget and all.” I knew a couple families who adhered to the Southern Baptists’ style of life. They were (very) racist and the women were not allowed to speak up in the church – the man of the house spoke for the family. There was a lot of domestic violence and child rape going on in these “homes.” Two (of the girls, separate families) were good friends of mine.
Does this yahoo Oklahoma politician ask these sorts of questions of adherents to all religions known to subjugate women and children like this? Yeah, I thought not.
Well ya but
It’s necessary if they get uppity and don’t submit to the will of their husbands like the bible tells us.
Seriously , you have to wonder what manner of life he leads when he is so out of touch he thinks that his is an acceptable and mainstream opinion
Only if you are trying to answer “yes.”
Counter question to Rep. Bennett : ‘Does it bother you that your father shtups sheep?’
Rep. Bennett’s response: “Naaaa”!
Love that DIY haircut.
As long as the religion in question is dominionist “christianity”.
You will notice that the good state representative had the balls to ask these horribly offensive questions of high school students. One wonders what he would have the nerve to ask a group of adults.
Taught in a taxpayer funded Christo-Fascist Madrassa…
For many decades, the underlying premise of the projection of American soft power was that people aren’t immutable extensions of the culture they grew up in. The hope was that we could show people another way of doing things and trust that, if it was an appealing way, humans who spoke another language and came from a different culture could change their own behavior to adapt to our hypothetical better ideas. Russians aren’t born to be serfs, etc.
One of the reasons we encouraged young people from all over the world to study here was to make sure a generation of world leaders were exposed to these ideas, patronizing though that may sound.
This idea that misogyny in developing cultures is somehow an intrinsic part of a religion, such that it affects someone in Jakarta the same way it affects someone in NE Nigeria or Central Asia, is not just ignorance on its face, it’s a rejection of a policy that has been incredibly successful over the last 60 years.
Also, obviously, our culture still has plenty of work to do on misogyny.
That’s what I expect from a KKKraKKKer RepubliKKKlan!