Discussion: Ohio State QB Shuts Down Fan Who Told Him To Stay Out Of 'Black Lives Matter'

Discussion for article #238703

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the ā€œfanā€ called the BLM thing bullshit. I think he may have validated the entire movement.


YEAH!!! Its so cool to see a black football star getting publicity for being smart and political. If more would do that, they would realize how much power they have. Its so sad that few do.

I root for a different team, but I now have a new favorite player.


Priceless!! Well done, Cardale Jones. Iā€™m still not an OSU guy but this was classic!




And the crowd in the ā€˜Shoeā€™ cheers!


Goddammit. I gotta root for Ohio State now?


That the jackass deleted his account speaks volumes, particularly in contrast to Mr. Jones, about the courage of conviction. A better contrast I couldnā€™t imagine.


LOLs. Pissed on that guyā€™s parade haha

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More of this please. There is an entire cable news network that shares the view that BLM is bs. That network has a sports division that makes billions off of college and professional football, sports dominated by AAs. I donā€™t understand why the NFLPA does not discuss the continued relationship with Fox Sports based on their hatred of AAs. Why put money in their pockets?

The modern day slave practice that is NCAA football is another story. Hopefully the unionization movement in this multi billion dollar ā€œamateurā€ sports gains some steam.


Even as I lifelong Oregon fan, I couldnā€™t help but admire Cardale seeming to redefine the role of a big man to quarterback in the last National Championship. Now I have to cheer his courage off the field in standing up to that asshat in an entirely appropriate way.

I hope the Ohio State administration and boosters keep off this young manā€™s back and let him be himself.


Nah, you do have to cheer the man, but not the school.


This Wolverine fan is applauding. Well done!


Cardale Jones is impressive - he will go far. He is a very bright guy who has a wry sense of humor - and that sometimes sails right over the heads of a lot of people.
Quite some time ago it was Cardale Jones who sent out a tweet expressing frustration - ā€œWhy should we have to go to class if we came here to play FOOTBALL, we ainā€™t come to play SCHOOL, classes are POINTLESS.ā€ Let the record show - The semester that Cardale Jones tweeted this, he was named an OSU scholar-athlete.- - he was venting about a particular test / being a sarcastic smart ass / fooling around ā€¦ and in reality he maintains a 3.0 grade point averageā€¦ but a lot of people just went crazy on the comment and fell for the idea that he was being seriousā€¦


People who say #AllLivesMatter are tone deaf. Implied at the end of ā€œBlack Lives Matterā€ is the word ā€œTOOā€. Instead, these tone deaf morons think they hear, ā€œONLY Black Lives Matterā€. When they respond ā€œAll Lives Matterā€ they simultaneously reject the notion that there is a problem and minimize the murders of people of color.


Yes, why canā€™t all black people be like that funny Will Rogers sidekick Stepin Fetchit? Stepin knew his place alright. Entertaining white folks is all he ever wanted. He never mouthed off and demanded rights and manhood and stuff like that . . .


Iā€™ll have to give him a big nod a respect when Nebraska plays Ohio State in the Conference Championship this year.

Hey youā€¦I saw that eye roll. It could happen.

Wellā€¦at least can you say that itā€™s possible? How about eventually possible? Can we agree on that?


Mr. Jones, allow me to present you with your winnings. We have here, ā€œone internet.ā€ Congratulations!


Are acts of god(s) included?

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I do believe Cardale could kick the living shit outta Dan-O here.

This Gustafson fuck is the kind of douchetool who cheers for a bunch of black kids on Saturday and calls them niggers every other day of the week.

On a related noteā€¦Cardale should gone to the NFL this past draft. Heā€™s never gonna be as red hot as he was coming off a national championship.