Included and appreciated! I’m also a Cubs fan.
So football bullshit matters more than black lives. Wow.
As in
All lives matter, but some lives matter more than others.
He wants his degree.
Agreed, but Mr. Jones is specifically not merely a football player–he is student first and foremost, acting in the honorable tradition of student activism and political participation, and entitled to the respect on that front.
May I recommend you follow Dave Zirin. He reports on this stuff extensively. I wouldn’t be surprised if he was aware of this story.
Yeah, let’s not get all crazy and start rooting for the team with the worst fans other than KY fans.
Heh. Just saw a news article this morning about two couples, U-M and Ohio State fans, who got into a fist fight and female hair-pulling on a ferry ride in Ohio when they began to argue about who had the better team. Worst rivalry I’ve ever seen, although I’m sure there are others out there. Bunch of immature jerks who have no sense of perspective when it comes to what really matters in life.
Two assault charges were filed. Embarrassing.
Me too. Go Ducks!!
Those of us out here in Oregon who know Mike Riley well, wish you luck. You’ll need it.
The truth is, he’s a great coach who gets a lot out of his players. And he was able to recruit (sort of) to Corvallis, Oregon.
The Internet has a longer half life than enriched plutonium.
Worse than Oregon fans? Mush Huskies!
Wow that was good! I’ll be watching this guy for sure.
A masochist.huh? Reminds me of one of my favorite baseball jokes:
What is the Cubs Opening Day rally cry?
“Wait 'til next year!”
Jeez, get a life. Its a game played by people you don’t know, at a school you don’t attend, - are you are in the same state? - so what. And by the way, you are not given a championship. The players work for it. You have got not a damn thing to do with it. Any association you have with them is in your own mind - you are owed nothing so stop giving orders to strangers like you own them.
Speaking of slaves, I hope this guy doesn’t own a business.
My uncompensated NFL farm team is vastly more competent than your uncompensated NFL farm team.
The NCAA needs to be burned to the ground and started over with academics being more important than revenue at the gate. It’s madness and everyone goes along because that’s the way things have been nigh on forever.
As a lifelong Cubs fan I’ve l always known what CUBS stands for: Completely Useless By September.
It’s just another expression of White Fragility, which is the reflexive nature that certain white people exhibit when confronted by information regarding racism towards black people. It’s an attempt to divert attention away from the very real and very pressing matter of black people being killed by police in disproportionately higher numbers than white people. Those people are just part of the problem, not the solution.
Well that became uncivil quickly. Perhaps we should return to politics–it’s safer.