Oh great, we going to have Tim white mansplain things to everyone else about how we all should focus on white rural men.
My Cat coughed up a hair ball this morning and is using that as her opening statement for her presidential bid. She does claim to be a Democat.
Pipe down, Tim. There are adult candidates talking.
Ok. Why wait until now though? Is he independently wealthy and can self-fund his campaign?
This will go as well as his bid for Speaker…
He’s got a better shot at the Senate seat when Brown ascends as Harris’s VP…
Will Krystal Ball be his campaign manager? Since 2016 she’s been his biggest cheerleader and now that her other fave Richard Ojeda is not running, she probably needs a new cause.
The bumper stickers write themselves:
Ryan 2020. Why?
Why can’t at least some dems stay in Congress to help craft laws, provide the necessary votes to pass laws, serve their constituents, and other crucially co-equal parts of governing? How many current senators/reps have decided that their unique story is the key to saving us all by running for prez–Swalwell, Bennett, this guy just in today’s TPM?
Is she Feline Groovy?
yep … Michael Bennet gonna clean his clock ! ------
oh yeah … The Michael … not that Michael —
Right? Who the hell is his constituency? He’s not even a good potential VP for someone. I truly do not understand the point of this.
“Ryan 2020. No, not Paul.”
Somebody should tell Broski that April 1 was three days ago.
Ryan’s Hope
Ryan? Nope!
“The Point” is to be a spoiler and throw the Democratic Party into disarray.
Check out his voting record. That will tell you all you need to know about this wealthy DINO.