I’m still trying to figure out how this damned Instagram app is supposed to do my taxes.
There will be a test.
And so it begins…
This could be a good thing… or go very very wrong.
I’m kinda OK on all the computer stuff, but AOC could come over and stir my peanut butter if she liked.
Well, she can try. But when Lieberman said something dismissive of her the other day, she tweeted, “New party. Who dis?” And I guarantee she won’t teach anybody to do stuff like that if they don’t already know.
I would rather she teach the house Democrats how to dance…
She’s the best dang thing to happen to the Party in a long time. And certainly a harbinger of the future we should be in now, the future in which the GOP’s tired old merkins and goiters are finally retired to jars of formaldehyde in a sub-sub-basement of the Smithsonian for future cryptozoologists to examine.
Republician heads exploding
I wish I could be in that room, I think it would be very entertaining.
Sounds like fun. Would love to be in that briefing!
Take a picture of your tax forms and send it to the IRS. That should do the trick!
Stop it! LOL
Lol. This is both kinda cute and pathetic.
Your post is so good that I needed to repeat it.
Will there be avocado toast, effusive selfies, and triple Venti Half-Sweet Non-Fat Caramel Macchiatos?
I’m only here for the dance lessons.
Yeah I agree with you and with seamus. And it took a minute for me to appreciate her but boy I do now. I think she’s just right.
Won’t be surprised if a couple of republicans wear blue ties and try to sneak in.